22 ↠ jealous

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One of the ways Luke showed Michael he loved him was by looking at him like he was the one who created all the animals in the world.

Or hung up all the stars in the sky but Luke loved puppies more so it seemed more accurate.

When they walked through the shopping mall, they weren't holding hands and their bodies weren't pressed together but Michael still felt how Luke radiated warmth and love.

And to think Luke said he was the sun.

"Did you already decided on which laptop to buy?" He asked when they entered the electronics shop.

Luke nodded as he stepped on his tippy toes to see where the computer section was. Which was funny because Luke was tall enough to see it just fine.

Still, Michael found it absolutely adorable.

"She told me a while ago she'll start saving for one and she showed me one she liked. I did my researched and found one that looks similar but it's better."

"I don't know if I ever told you that." Michael smiled. "But you're an amazing brother."

Luke rolled his eyes but smiled anyway, he even blushed a little like he always did when Michael complimented him. The older man found that adorable and he didn't fail to tell Luke that every single time, making him blush even more.

It was Michael who paid for it with his card just because Luke already gave him half in cash. And he put that money on the side as money that he'll spend on spoiling Luke.

They also needed cake ingredients since Michael insisted on baking one.

Michael had a question on his mind but wasn't sure when to bring it up. For some reason in public felt safer than back at home when it was just the two of them whenever Michael wanted to say something serious Luke just kissed him.

Here he couldn't and wouldn't.

"Did you tell Matt about us?" He casually asked as he was picking up sprinkles for the cake.

"No." Luke answer quickly. "Why? When I said I don't want to tell anyone yet I did mean everyone including him. I love him but he's got a big mouth."

"Okay," Michael said. "But if you would it'd be fine. Don't get too worked up about it... It's just."


"The other day he asked me if I'm allergic to latex?"

Luke looked at him in shock before he started giggling.

"I mean I could only think of one reason he'd do it..."

"Wrong reason." Now Luke started full on laughing. "You borrowed him a pair of lab gloves last week?"

Michael groaned from embarrassment immediately.

Luke started walking on. "But since we're talking about it... Are you allergic to latex?"

The older man followed behind with a smirk on his face. "No. Are you?"

He shook his head.

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