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I grabbed a bite to eat, left overs of spaghetti last night. I warmed it up in the microwave, leaning over the cabinet. I looked across the street seeing a moving truck taking away my neighbors belongings. I didn't know the Johnsons were moving. Man, me and Tommy got a long well. That's too bad. I saw them getting into their car, and what seemed to be them taking one last look at the house. I sighed in this bittersweet moment. To see a functioning family together being there for each other to start a new chapter in their lives, then also changing where they've been for almost 5 years.

Sometimes deep down I wish I had a functioning family. My mom left when I was little, wanting nothing to do with my father, leaving me and him alone to take care of each other. My father is a good man. He works hard every day to take care of me and now that I have a job I hope I can help with some things as well.

He's always been there for me, no matter what, supporting me, defending me. When I came out to him about a year ago, he smiled. Pulled me into a tight hug, then handed me a beer, and we watched the football game together. I laughed slightly at the memory. I looked away from the window as the microwave beeped.

I kicked my shoes off, headed towards the couch and plopped down. I slurped my spaghetti, eating like a pig. I must have been starving. I gulped down the soda, washing the remainder of the spaghetti down. I sighed looking at my back pack. Let's get this over with.

I pulled out the math book and turned to the page that Ms. Ryan told us to work on. It seemed easy enough and I finished in no time. I stopped to think about her. Why did she treat me the way she did today? I mean it couldn't have just been me right? She was completely hitting on me, but the scariest part was, deep down. I kind of liked it.

I couldn't give in to that though. No matter what I wanted. I needed to ignore her, and her pursuit if this continued down the road. I love Andy. I love her with all my heart. I can't lose her, she is my world my everything. I'd be a wreck without her.

I leaned back onto the sofa. I grabbed my phone sending a text to Andy. "I love you."

She didn't text back I assumed she was already face deep in homework. I walked upstairs,  and lied down. Slowly dozing off to sleep.


The next morning I woke up, threw my hair in a pony, put on a hoodie, and yoga pants. I was very diverse in what I wore. I didn't care today I wasn't trying to impress anyone especially not Ms. Ryan. I shook my head trying to rid her from my thoughts. I walked down the stairs to see my dad about to leave for work. "Morning, kid."

"Hey, dad." I smiled, putting a piece of toast in the toaster. "You ate something for breakfast, yeah?"

He rolled his eyes, "Yes, mother." He kissed the side of my head, I hugged him. "Have a good day at school, and work. I love you."

"I love you too, Pops." With that he was out the door to be hard at work again. I sometimes felt bad for him, the work he did was extraneous. He's getting old, his body has aged so much in the past couple years. I know he hasn't noticed,  but I have.

I ate my toast on my way to school parking where I normally do. I grabbed my bag, and waited for Andy to pull up. She did, flustered like always. I laughed as I saw her, dressed similar to me. "Don't give a shit either I see." I tugged on her kangaroo pocket, pulling her into a kiss.

"I don't have time to give a shit." She smiled slightly. "We're late." Right on quite the late bell rang. I shrugged, I could go without seeing Ms. Ryan.

I walked Andy to her class, leaving her with a small peck on her lips. I strolled to class leisurely opening the door.  Ms. Ryan cleared her throat at me seeming annoyed. I shrugged at her, "Sorry, nature calls."

I sat in my seat next to Ashley. "Well, Cameron, since you believe it's okay to just be late. Detention." I looked back at Ms. Ryan. "After school today."

I sighed, and looked at her with a death stare. "Come in its only the second day. Give me a break. I have to work and I leave after my free period right after lunch."

"You're free period then. You can grade papers." She looked at me, raising an eyebrow. I swore I could see a hint of a smile.

I rolled my eyes, and looked out the window.

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