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The bell finally rang for class to end. I quickly gathered my bag, and headed towards the door. It was cold out, so I knew The Hut, which is a small, but very popular, coffee shop, would be busy. I jumped into my car, feeling myself looking around for Andy, though I knew she wasn't there it was just out of habit. I got a glimpse of Ms. Ryan, walking across the quad, heading towards the office. I caught myself staring, but not really caring enough to stop. I should be caring, but I didn't stop.

I leaned against my car, just the way she walked was seductive, it wasn't fair. She was so elegant, and poised. I shook my head, realizing that I had been there too long. I quickly got into my car, "Cam, you really need to get this out of your head," squeezing my eyes shut, and pinching the bridge of my nose. I rested my head against my seat, letting out a deep sigh.


I pulled my phone out, and looked through our photos. Remembering all of the amazing memories we had. Why would I want to give something up like this, for nothing?

I don't, I really truely don't. So knock your shit off.

I put my phone away, starting my car. Work time, let's get this over with.


I pulled into the parking lot of The Hut, and threw my hair up in a ponytail. There was no dress code so I didn't have to change, and my apron was inside. I turned off my car after parking in the back where all of the employess parked. I headed in through the backdoor.

I knew Shaun was here because his car was here, so it meant it was going to be a really good shift.

"Hey, Cam." Emily, a small, skinny girl said, I didn't know her too well, she kept to herself, but then again she hadn't worked here for too long, and she was just starting to open up.

"Hey, Em." I smiled, as she blushed slightly, "Has it been busy?" I looked over at her as I was tying my apron behind my back.

She shrugged her petite shoulders, and shook her head, her pixie cute swaying with her motions, "It hasn't been too bad yet, but we all know when school gets out."

I barked out a sarcastic laugh. "Can't wait."
I walked to the front to she Shaun, "Oh! Hey, Cam!" He showed his huge teeth, obviously excited not to be stuck with quiet Emily all day. "I'm so glad you're here."

He leaned against the counter beside me, and I looked sideways at him as I started cleaning the coffee grinder. "I see you missed me?"

"I always miss you." He flirted. This was our relationship. We flirted, but we knew nothing would ever come of it. We were always close, right when I started here. He was the owner, and he loved his work, and he loved his employees, and well, we all loved him.

I shoved him playfully, "Oh, I know."

He laughed gently fixing his dirty blonde hair, in the mirror, "So how's Andy?"

I let out a small sigh, "Honestly, we are fine. I've feel guilty about something, and well I just don't know what to do about it."

He paused and looked at me, "You can't be serious." He put his hand on my shoulder. "Do you want to talk about it?"

I shrugged, "This, girl...at school..." I couldn't very well tell his it was a fucking teacher. Right?

He nodded, "Yeah?"

"I don't know, she's so sexy, and just seductive, and I can't seem to get her off my mind. She flirts with me, more or less, she really sends me strong signals. I'm really upset at myself, and I really am not fighting it all that hard like I should be." I leaned against the counter putting my head down.

"Well, you haven't acted on anything?"

I shook my head.

"Then you need to nip that in the ass. You and Andy are perfect for eachother. Literally, in every single way. It's kind of weird, but you don't want to give that up for anything." He patted my shoulder as a customer walked to the counter.

I let out a shaky breath, I could do that. Just ignore Ms. Ryan all together, no matter how hot she was, Andy was more important to me.

I looked at the clock on the wall, it was only noon. I sighed, today was going to go by slow, but we could catch up on stalking, and getting some ordering done. That's what I headed to do.

I grabbed the binder holding all of our orders, and I started to do all of the paperwork. I rummaged through the back looking for items that we had, and what we didn't, ordering what we needed.

I looked at the clock again 2:30pm "Cam, can you come help?"

I put the binder down, marking my spot. I fixed my apron and headed up to the front. All of the kids from school were already coming in. I started brewing the second pot of coffee, looking over at Shaun. He smiled at me, and I smiled back.

We were filling taking orders left and right, i was working up a sweart trying to keep the coffee, and espresso coming. It was cold out, I'm surprised it wasn't snowing. The rush went on for about an hour. We both took a deep breath, and leaned agains the counter.

Shaun handed me a cold tea, and smiled, "I love this place."

I chuckled slightly, "Well, you do own it so." Scratching the back of my neck.

I would be off in a few minutes and I get to see Andy. I walked to the back, checking my phone. I had a text.

From Andy: Hey babe, I think I'm just going to o to bed, and call it a day by time you get off work. I'm sorry. I love you, it's just been a long day.

I sighed, dropping my phone into my pocket. Why wasn't she telling me anything? She always told me everything. Then again, who was I to say, when I wasn't telling her everything.

"Hey, get back up here" Shaun yelled into the back.

I hurried back up there, expecting to see a line, but there wasn't one. I looked at Shaun, and shrugged, "What's up?"

He wiggled his eyebrows at me, pointing towards the register with his eyes.

I peaked around the cookie display, and ducked quickly, Fuck, no fuck.

I looked at him and smiled nervously, He urged me to go help her. I shook my head, mouthing: Please, no.


I stood up straight, smiling at Ms. Ryan, Scratching the back of my neck, nervously laughing, "Heh, Hey."

She looked at me, with that weird stare she gave me, "I didn't know you worked here?"
I scratched my head nervously, "Yeah, well, I do. Can I get you anything?"

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