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***Cam's POV***

I pulled up to the school feeling more confident then ever before. The other night with Nicole was amazing. I couldn't get it out of my mind. She didn't try anything with me though, and I respected that.

It seemed to take away the feeling of being alone though, it made me forget about Andy, and it made me feel somewhat whole again. I don't know how to explain it, but something in me felt different.

I parked my car, and head to first period, i could feel my stomach start to flutter as the time ticked on bringing me closer to seeing Nicole.

I sat in 1st period rocking back and forward anxiously, it seemed to drag on forever. I was so nervous I almost felt sick to my stomach.

Finally the bell rang, sending me into a hurried frenzy to get to Nicole's class. I almost ran there, not even worrying about the cold,, my hair was blowing like crazy, knotting my hair. I pulled my hood over my head, and reached the door I had been waiting to get to all morning.

I opened it, sitting at the desk, in all of her glory, Nicole. In a black hoodie, her hair up, and tight jeans. She looked up to see me, and she smiled. Her eyes lit up a little bit. Nobody was in class yet, I was the first one here.

"Hey," she let out smoothly, as she slowly stood, approaching me. We hadn't really talked since that night, and i had missed her. I instantly smelt her familiar perfume, and the smell of mint on her breath. My heart beat rapidly in my chest, I felt a blush forming on my cheeks.

"Hey," i replied almost shyly. Why? Why did I all of a sudden feel shy around her.

"How was your weekend?" She was standing pretty close to me, close enough to feel her breath on my face. I bit my lip gently.

I shrugged, "it just might have been the best weekend of my life." A warm smile crept over her face.

"Oh, really?" She bit her lip looking down at mine, "Well, maybe, you could stay after class, and tell me all about it."

My heart lurched forward, I laughed nervously, "I'd love too." She stepped away then, walking back to her desk before the other kids walked in.

I went and sat in my desk, and Joe, walked in and sat by me. "Hey, how was your weekend?"

I smiled, "It was pretty amazing." I looked at him, though I could feel Nicole's eyes on me. "How was your weekend?"

"I went fishing with my dad. It was fun." He smiled and proceeded to tell me all about the fishing trip. I listened until Nicole started her lesson. I watched her take charge of the class easily, she was so hot up there.

"Cameron, can you tell me how to solve this problem?" I blinked a few tmes tryin to get the images of my weekend out of my head, and i smiled up at Nicole.

I stood up, and walked up to the board quickly solving the equation. Nicole bit her lip gently, like it amused her to watch me do work. I sat the pen down, and headed back to my seat. I sat down, looking at Nicole, she was biting her lip seductively at me, with a small hint of a blush on her cheeks. "That was very good, Cam," Her eyes were locked with mine.

"Okay you guys have homework, obviously. Do the chapter we just worked on, but only the even ones."

The bell rang, sending everyone off to their next class, but lucky for me I got to stay. Nicole said goodbye to everyone as they were leaving, and locked the door as she closed it.

I sat at my desk, putting my papers away slowly. She walked up to me, and pushed me against my desk. Her hand cupping my cheeks, and pressing her lips against mine.

She let out a moan against my lips, "I have been wanting to do that all day." I put my hands on her sides holding her against me. Kissing her softly.

"What are your plans for dinner tonight?" I pulled away to look into her eyes.

She shrugged, and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear, "I have no clue."

"Would you mind if I came over and cooked for you?"

A smile grew on her face, sending my stomach into a storm of butterflies. "I would love that."

"Good," I kissed her lips again gently, feeling my body begin to tingle.

"I've missed you." She pulled away wrapping her arms around my waist, and resting her head on my shoulder.

"I've missed you too." I stroked her hair gently. "I forgot to ask, how was your weekend?"

She smiled, and nuzzled into my neck, "It was the best weekend of my life." I felt her lips press against my neck.

"Mmm..." Leaning my neck to the side, she began to move her lips on my neck. I closed my eyes, I lost myself quickly, I forgot we were at school, I forgot where we were. All I could feel was Nicole, nibbling my neck.

I felt her hands slowly begin to wonder up my torso. Then down to my pants. She pulled away from my neck then, "What's for dinner?"

I pulled my eyebrows together, "You'll have to wait and see." Was she trying to ruin this moment? Was she teasing me?

"Well I think I know what I want for dessert."


Hey, sorry it's been a little longer than I wanted, but I have been very busy moving out on my own and all. Finally got internet. So here you go!!

Hope you Enjoy.

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