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**Cam's POV**

I walked out of Nicole's class room, my heart pounding. She just invited me over didn't she? Should I go home, and clean up? My hands were shaking, I took a deep breath, and headed towards my car. Once I got inside, I let out a loud scream, ending with excited laughter. Leaning my head back, laughing at this whole ordeal.

I started my car. I guess i was just giong to go home, and wait, though I wasn't sure I would have the patience for that. I quickly drove home preparing myself for later, trying to find things to do to keep me busy until four, and Nicole was here to get me.


I let my hair hang down over my shoulders in loose curls. I played with them nervously. I looked in the mirror, at my tight jeans and boots, I had a simple black shirt on under my double layered leather jacket. Was it too much? Are tight jeans the way to go, or should i be in something more comfortbale?

I let out a groan, "Fuck it," I headed down stairs, it was nearly 5 she should be here soon. I'm just guessing she had to go get ready for me to come over. Whatever that meant. I doubt anything was going to happen, though that kiss today was really heated.

Just the thought of it, made my stomach flutter, i couldn't help but to feel giddy. I paced the floor waiting for her to get here.

A small knock echoed through the house, my heart freezing. I ran to the door to open, a little to quickly, my hand shaking with excitement.

"Hey," I took in Nicole, she was wearing, bootcut jeans, they were dark, with a black turtleneck, her hair was straight, and down. So she had been getting ready.

"Hey," she blushed a little. "You look really nice."

"Thank you, so do you." I looked her up and down, she fidgeted a little.

"Are you ready?" I nodded, and headed out the door. "You're okay with coming to my house?"

"Yeah, I mean, unless you plan on killing me..." I trailed off, eyeing her before we got into the car.

She squinted at me mysteriousl, "I guess you'll have to go and find out." She laughed then, opening the door and getting in. I followed.

I sat in the seat relaxing, "You have butt warmers?" I could feel it heating me up. "This is amazing." It was really cold outside, the wind was blowing, and it had to be below freezing.

"I figured you would enjoy it." She smiled, holding her hand out for me to take. This was weird. I guess I had never held her hand before. Something so simple could excite me so much. I smiled shyly, feeling my cheeks get warm. I slid my hand into hers. Hers so soft, and kind of cold. Her thumb rubbed against mine. It was so calming, it was the only thing I was focused on. I wasn't paying attention to the road, and before I new it we pulled up to a small cabin like home. It wasn't nothing spectacular, but it looked like a place that would remind you of home.

"Well, welcome to my humble abode." Nicole squeezed my hand releasing it, and exiting the car. I followed behind her, reaching the door to the house.

"This is really nice. It's..." I trailed off trying to find the right word as I took it all it, "Cozy."

She opened the red painted door, into a small almost elegant place. I looked around to find a big, brown, super comfortable looking L-shaped couch. Her kitchen was off to the right, it had white cabinets, and it was very open, and spacy.

"This is really nice."

"Thank you," she sat her keys on the counter on a small black plate, out of habit. "Make yourself at home," she pushed her sleeves up, and walked into the kitchen.

I scratched the back of my neck, and turned to the TV. I didn't really particularly want to watch anything, so I decided to go watch her cook. I turned, seeing a huge cabinet full of CDs. I let out an excited breath.

"You have got to be kidding me," I opened the glass door, I ran my fingers over the cases, finding one I knew we would both enjoy, hopefully. I first stopped on Kendrick Lamar, too inappropriate. I kept going down the list, The Beatles, you can never go wrong with them.

I found her sterio, and put the CD in music began to feel the room. I walked over to the counter to find her staring over at me. "I see you found my collection." She smiled, and tapped her foot to the beat. I walked over to her, as she stirred.

"What are you making?" I wanted to wrap my arms around her waist, and sway back and forward, but maybe that was too soon? I didn't want to cross any boundaries. I put my cheek on her shoulder, and smiled. "It smells good."

"It's a surprise." She the top of my head. "It will be done in a few minutes."

I went over to her table, and sat down waiting, tapping on the table to the beat of the music.

I felt her behind me, her cheek on mine. My plate in front of me, she whispered softly, "It's stuffed raviolies, with spinach and cheese. Enjoy." She kissed my cheek, and strode back to get her plate.

My heart was beating quickly from the sudden contact. I took a giant gulp trying to contain myself.

"What would you like to drink?"

"Whatever you have." I picked up my fork as she sat down next to me with her plate, and a bottle of wine.

Which I love wine, I don't know how she knew that, but I was excited for it.
"I hope you like this," She poored my a glass, and smiled with her flawless lips. Her perfect teeth showing. I bashfully looked down.

I brought the glass to my lips sipping the wine, "That's really good, thank you." I felt it warm my throat a little, and it continued down into my empty stomach. I picked up a ravioli with my fork, and put it in my mouth. It was flavorful, with garlic, and spinach, the cheese was gooey. I swear I moaned out of delight.

"You like it then." She smiled proudly, and starting eating her own food.

"Wow, who knew you could cook." I smiled at her teasing. She just rolled her eyes, and contined to chew.

After a few moments of talking, saying nothing particularly important, she stopped and looked at me. "Did your dad ever ask that girl out?"

I laughed a little, sipping the last bit of wine in glass, "He did actually, I think they are going out this weekend, or sometime soon." I sat my cup down, and pushing another ravioli around on my plate. I was getting full, "He seems excited about it."

Nicole turned, and grabbed my hand. My heart jumping, she looked in my eyes, "How do you feel about it?" Her eyes were searching mine, I couldn't tear my thoughts away from her gorgeous green eyes. "Cam, how do you feel about it?"

I shrugged, "I'm okay with it. If he's happy." She let go of my hand seemingly satisfied with my answer.

"What happened to you mom?" My heart ran cold. For some reason when my mom gets brought up all I feel is anger, and resentment.

"She left." My voice was a little colder than i had intended for it to be.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up." She looked at her food nervously, like she was scolding herself.

"No, no." I touched her shoulder gently, getting her to look at me. "I guess, it just upsets me for someone to put my dad through that. Having to raise me by himself, having to work his ass off to take care of me, and keep the bills up. I'm glad he is taking the nurse out. He deserves it," I nodded gently, looking into her deep green eyes.

"Nicole, tell me about your marriage."
I found myself curious, I wanted to get to know how. I wanted to know why she was in this position. I wanted to know all about her.

She shifted uneasily, "You promise you won't run away?"

I touched her cheek, "I'm not going anywhere."

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