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**Nicole's POV**

I woke up, looking around, my head pounding. I was alone. In a hospital, wh-what happened?

A girl walked in, she rushed to the side of my bed, taking my hand in hers. "Nicole, hey." Her voice was soft, and soothing. I blinked a few time, focusing on her face. The most beautiful face, I've ever seen.

"Hi," I tried to sit up, my head throbbing, and my face, "What happened?" She didn't seem like a threat to me, no, the way she looked at me. So much... love.

"Mr. Tully, that fucking bastard." Her jaw flexed, she was mad.

"It's okay," I don't really know why she didn't like this Mr. Tully, but she was obviously very upset about it. My head began to throb, "My head hurts."

"I know, babe." She kissed my hand, I pulled it away from her.

"Babe? Who are you?" She pulled her eyebrows together, looking at my hand, and back at my face. Processing all that is going on.

"You don't remember me?" Her eyes almost becoming watery.

"You don't know who I am?" Her hands fidgeting slightly, nervous.

"No, should I?" Her hands raked through her shiny brown curly hair.

"You should," She got up quickly, and walked outside.

That was weird why didn't I remember her. She sure was pretty, but I don't like girls, I was married to a man. An awful man, but nonetheless a man.

"Nicole, hi, I'm your nurse, i hear you're having problems remembering. I'm going to get the doctor in here so he can try and talk you through it." She was petite, in her pink scrubs. I shrugged at her not really knowing what to say.

"Wait," before she walked out, "why am I here?"

She proceeded to tell me, I was almost raped in my classroom, that girl, saved me. I took some damage to my head, and my face. She handed me a mirror, i examined the wounds. My face was swollen, almost unrecognizable, my head was bandadged.

"Wow, get that girl back in here. I want to speak with her, please." The nurse simply nodded, and headed out the door. My eyes were burning, on the verge of tears. I had been almost raped, thank God for this girl.

"Hey," she came in awkwardly. Her hand lifted up, heading for her head, she dropped it midair, and walked towards my bedside.

"Thank you," I smiled at her the best i could, "What is your name?"

"Cam," She smiled sadly at me. "I wish you could remember me."

"I'm sure I will eventually. It just takes some memory jogging, if amnesia is what I have." I looked down at her lips, my stomach became warm, and tight. I looked away, that was weird. I pushed looked down at my hands, "Thank you for saving me. I'm grateful for you being there. "

I grabbed her hand in mine, the unfamiliar feeling coming back to my chest. Why did she make me feel so special, she wasn't even trying, but those eyes. They consumed me, they took everything in, focused only on me.

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