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***Cam's POV***

I went straight home after crying in front of Nicole like a puss. Yeah I was still sensitive about Andy, I mean, it was awhile ago, but it still hurt, and it through my trust way off. Though it seems to come easy for Nicole.

I opened the fridge and grabbed one of my dad's beers. I opened it, and plopped down on the couch, sipping it quickly, like it was my life support.

I tried to control my emotions, squeezing my eyes shut, and looking down. I could feel my eyes begin to water, just thinking about it.

Ugh, I hated Andy for this, I hated that she still made me upset about it. I just can't believe she did that to me. I pulled my phone out, about ready to text her. What would I honestly say though?

Oh, hey Andy, Ms. Ryan and I were talking about how you cheated on me, and just wanted to say FUCK YOU!

Yeah, maybe that wasn't a good idea, I was just angry. I threw my phone on the couch across the room, I was just going to go to sleep, and not even look at my phone. Even if Nicole text me, I would see her tomorrow.

I went upstairs after finishing the beer, leaving my phone on the couch, and went straight to bed.

I got to school the next day, seeing Nicole walking down the hallway. We made eye contact, she gave me a small smile, and motioned to her room. So i went there before the first period began. I was pretty early, so I wasn't worried about it being suspicious.

I opened her door, and she grabbed me in her arms. "I was worried about you, you never answered my texts." She pushed my hair behind my ears. Forcing me to look in her eyes, "Are you okay?"

I nodded slightly, "I just went to be early." I shrugged, wrapping my arms around her waist, feeling it relieve some of the stress that was binding my chest.

"I'm sorry about what happened, hun." She squeezed me tightly.

I let out a sigh of relief against her chest. I heard a slight knock on her door, and I pushed myself away quickly, walking to a desk.

My heart thudded loudly in my chest. It was Mr. Tully, I felt my heart squeeze in my chest. Nicole quickly got behind her desk. "Hello, Mr. Tully, how can I help you?"

"I wanted to see if you wanted to go out and get some coffee with me?" I let out a soft cough, letting him know I was in the room.

He turned quickly, I saw his cheeks redden, "Oh, sorry, I didn't know you were in here." He chuckled nervously, "But what do you say?" He said turning back to Nicole.

She looked up, meeting my eyes for a second, and then looked at his, "No thank you, I'm actually seeing someone." She let out a small smile.

"It's just coffee," He smiled, and shrugged. "I mean how long have you been seeing this person?"

"I have been seeing her for a little while now, and I must say, I'm quite fond of her."

I felt my cheeks redden, and i smiled down at the paper I pulled out.

"Oh, I see. That changes things then." He said nervously, and taken aback. "I-uh... I didn't know."

"That I liked women?" She simply shuffled papers in her hands, and looked up at him, almost mockingly.

"No I didn't. I'm sorry," he began to walk away, and opened the door. I wanted let out a laugh, but he walked back in. "I think you're lying." His eyes squinted, "I think you're just playing hard to get." He smiled, and walked out.

I felt my eye brows furrow, was her serious?

"Really?" Nicole looked at me in disbelief. "Come here."

I stood, walking over to her desk. She stood and grabbed my face, pressing her lips to mine. My heart exploded, and my knees went weak.

"So you're fond of me?"

She smiled, looking down the bridge of her nose into my eyes, "I am quite fond of you."

She bit my lip, pushing me away. "You should go to class."

"Or i can stay here, and just ditch." I shrugged, plopping down in the seat by her desk.

"No, you can't do that."

"Oh, too late. I'm already dedicated."


Sorry it's been so long guys, hope you enjoy!



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