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"Andy..." I tried to move, but groaned in pain. Her eyes were locked on Nicole.

"Ms. Ryan, what the fuck are you doing?" She started walking towards her.

"Andy," I said more sternly, "She helped me." I tried to sit up.

"She helped you by kissing you?" I could tell she was furious, anger visible in her features. "Why would you kiss her?"

Nicole looked down in shame, "She seemed to respond to me more than you or her dad. She twitched when I held her hand," she shrugged slightly, looking into my eyes, "I was right, kissing her brought her back."

Andy was hurt, because she had tried the same thing, and she didn't have to say it, I could tell. Andy met my eyes, "I'm glad you're awake, but I think I should go. I don't really have any words right now." She turned on her heel, and walked out. I knew she knew how I felt. She saw it all, the sweet kiss we shared. I let my head drop back into the bed. Tears rolling down my temples.

"I'm so sorry, Cam. I didn't know she was coming today." Putting her face in her hands, Nicole let out a shaky breath. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry for helping me, at all. I'm really appreciative, that was torture." I touched her arm, trying to reach her hand. "Plus, you're right. We have feelings for each other, that we aren't sure about. I've been lying about it since I met you." I looked at her, trying to get her to smile.

"You heard that?"

I nodded, my neck stiff, "I've heard everything, especially when you're around."

My eyes were heavy, Nicole, got up. "We should probably tell your nurse you're awake." She pushed the red button on the controller.

Shortly a short pudgy lady came in, looking into my eyes, "Oh, look at those eyes., they are gorgeous." She smiled, "Okay, I'm going to run a few test on you. Make sure everything is okay."

She checked my eyes, and my heart. I couldn't move my toes very well, they were numb. My ribs were broken, as was my hip, and my right leg. The healing would be painful, and a long process. I wasn't looking forward to it. My head was aching, and they gave me pain killers, which made me sleepy.

"Nicole, you need to call my dad, and have him get down here." I grabbed her hand as tighly as I could, which in fact wasn't very tight at all. My eyes becoming more heavy by the second. "Don't leave me," my voice barely a whisper. "I'm scared." I was trying to fight the sleep off. What if I fell asleep, and I didn't wake up, what if I got stuck in my own head again.

Nicole kissed my forhead, "You will be okay. I'm not leaving you." Her dark hair brushed against my face. I closed my eyes, trying to fight the inevitable. I knew she wouldn't leave me, I knew she would be by my side when I woke up.

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