We'll be okay one day

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I always loved my imagination. I was someone who was always able to create a world out of a few sentences. As a kid, my mom would always find me sitting around mumbling little conversations to myself. I could see people when others saw a package of salt and pepper. As I grew, I never lost touch with that bit of wonder in my heart. But asking myself to believe that I just aided killing a human like creature with mystical powers with 3 strangers who also happen to have powers was a lot for even me.

I couldn't even move a muscle as I tried to fully process everything that had just happened. From the magic to the deaths to the knowledge that my best friend has been withholding such a crushing secret, I was surprised I hadn't let out a deafening scream. The only feeling I could perfectly pinpoint was fear. Fear of the unknown and fear of what it could bring.

I was so caught up in my own head, the fact that I registered the voice of Freya's boyfriend was honestly astonishing. "Sir, we should have been more prepared for this. There is no excuse for this kind of bloodshed," The blonde sounded out in shame. His face was full of anguish as he bent his head to the man before him. I broke out of my thoughts to see that he and his pretty little liars had moved forward to acknowledge the man who just magically appeared.

The man was older and graying. His dark hair dusted with grey and slicked down smoothly. He wore a fitted suit that was a deep blue. Smooth and expensive, it topped off his illusive look. I couldn't tell what this man wanted but he was angry and he meant business. Stepping forward, he lifted a hand to the younger boy, silencing any further excuses. His lightly wrinkled face pulled into a frown as he gazed at them. "I must say I am disappointed that all of you failed to realize the signs before you, but that disappointment also falls to me. I should have recognized that he was back. That is on me," He gave them a grim nod.

I could feel some of the tension lift out of the air. Everyone of them let out a deep exhale and stepped back. There was a slight silence after his words and soon he turns his attention to the rest of us. Before I can stop myself, I hear myself asking, "I'm sorry, but who are you?" He gave me a small smile and nodded as if expecting my question. He turned around and took in the destruction around him. Glancing at the surrounding debris and torched grass. Only then did I notice the strong crisp smell in the air. Almost in a sudden slap, I realize exactly what it was. The burned remains of the creature was rotting in a quickened pace and, with it, putting out a horrible smell.

He finally spoke again, "My name is Giles Shorewood. I'm known as the Foreseer," he was so matter a fact it was like he thought this was common knowledge. He folded his arms and moved toward the decaying creature. His legs gilding over and bending gracefully for him to examine it. He poked and prodded the body, his face showing no signs of disgust. There was a medical intent to his movements. He had no emotion or reaction, he was simply looking for answers, "The Wendigo was young. There was no development in its gums or fangs. Like a toddler, he had his baby teeth only." He aimed his words to Jenny as she moved to bend beside him. She looked rattled but refused to show it. Her eyes focused on dissecting the creature.

"A toddler? I watched that thing rip someone to shreds," The boy, Ethan, spat out. His voice gravel through his obvious shock. I couldn't help admire his ability to control it all. In the fight, he moved so assuredly. If it weren't for him, I wasn't sure anyone of us would have survived.

His words triggered my memories to come flooding back. In the moment, the adrenaline blocked out all of the sorrow surrounding me. Now that it was gone nothing was protecting my mind from remembering how much I had really seen. The screams of torment and pain that echoed in the field, returned. The blood of the unlucky that flew through the air as they were torn by the beast sat on the grass, staining it a blackish red. I fought back tears as I registered what really happened tonight.

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