Chapter 44

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As Kol Mikaelson's whines, grunts and groans could be heard resonating on the walls of the mansion, the two others followed Juliet up the staircase. Lexis almost had to drag him up the stairs as all her colleague wanted to do was curl up in a ball and frantically rock back and forth with his arms wrapped around his knees. But after every assignment she gave them, they had to report back to her office, give her back the folders and tell her how it was. Normally, she'd tell them something so they'd bugger off but lately she seemed to be giving more and more assignment.

As they finally managed to make it up the stairs, it was the time for a life or death decision that none of them ever remembered except for their boss who knew exactly her way around the house. Should they turn left? Or should they turn right? Lexis looked over to Kol who was on the verge of rolling on the ground and gave him an anxious look, Sebastian remained silent in front of them as he followed closely behind Juliet as she turned to the left. Glancing behind him, he noticed his two colleagues about to turn right before turning back in a hurry.

As they turned they came face to face with two large wooden doors which opened to Juliet's office. She turned around and sighed as she noticed Kol and Lexis running late behind Sebastian and her. As they finally caught up to them, she opened the heavy doors and let the sunlight hit their face as if they had lived on a cave for a hundred of years. No one was able to see the inside of the room because they were so blinded by the light, the silhouette of their boss walking in front of them was the only thing giving them a sense of what was around them and where they were.

The walls were covered with shelves going all the way up to the ceiling where chandeliers hung from. On the shelves were all kinds of books, varying from 'How To Get Away With Murders, for Dummies', to 'To Kill a Mockingbird', and books about the city of London and the best places to visit. On their right was an extinguished fireplace, with photographs of all sorts on the mantelpiece. The curtains were drawn up, which allowed all the light to fill the room, piercing through the large windows and blinding them.

In the middle of the room was a sofa with a small table in front of it where Juliet had placed several folders and encyclopedias. To their left, right in front of a large bookcase, was a wooden table big enough for six people to sit around it. On it, were piles of books and folders with knives planted on the cover. Right at the edge was a golden bowl of bright red apple and on each and every one of them was carved a little something.

''Did we not tell you we were creatures of the night?'' Kol grunted as he covered his face with his arm, following her as she sat down in her office chair behind her desk, ''I knew you were trying to get us killed but maybe be a little more subtle about it...''

''If I were trying to get you killed, I would have done it years ago, dear.'' Juliet replied as she crossed her legs and gave him her best smiles, ''Besides, I still need you. You do know how hard it is to find experienced assassins that are comfortable with doing anything?'' she continued, looking over to Sebastian, ''You wouldn't even guess the trouble I went through to find this charming gentleman standing by the window...''

''It depends what you mean by being comfortable with doing anything.'' Lexis muttered as she folded her arms across her chest and leaned on the wooden table.

''Alright then...'' the brunette replied as she looked at a few papers on her desk, ''Mission report, now.'' she demanded, secretly hoping it didn't go like their last mission had gone. As the room remained in complete silence, she looked up to them and let out a small whine, ''Oh god, Sebastian please tell me you didn't...''

''Not this time, ma'am.'' the tall man replied as he picked up his black bag again and slowly made his way to her desk, a wide smirk spreading across Juliet's face.

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