Chapter 43 The Beginning of the End

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-Somewhere in London, one year later-

The man was on the roof top, next to the small staircase, hidden from everyone. He maintained a cool detachment to his target. He liked not to think about them, but when he did, it was as if they already were dead. Dead, nothing but walking meat bags waiting to be handed to the butcher. Everyone had to die at one point, he thought... and he considered it a good way to go. No illness, no drawn-out goodbyes. Just simple, convenient and painless. They were walking happily, oblivious one second and gone the next.

Hiding up there, his grey blue eyes roamed around the crowd, looking for his target. His eyes, the eyes of a hunter framed in the passionless face of an executioner. In his large and steady hands, he held a Sniper Rifle, his finger gently caressing the trigger. Suddenly he stopped, his breathing slowing down as he placed his gun right on the edge of the building. And in one quick second, he pressed the trigger. He closed his eyes temporarily before looking at the crowd.

There, in the middle of the street, lay the body of a woman. A crowd forming around her, just as quickly as the pool of blood formed around her head. She lay there, motionless, a smile on her young face and a hole in her head. The man shoved his sniper rifle back inside his large bag, a small smirk on his face as he walked away. Making his way down the stairs, he stopped, looking out the window to take one last look at his work. It was a quick and clean shot with no rifling and completely untraceable bullet. Soviet made.

He was tall, tall and strong. He was dressed in an all black outfit that fitted his tall frame perfectly. His slightly tanned skin blended perfectly with his messy hair. Wide grey blue eyes, a large scar crept over his left eye, giving him a sort of savage and dominant appearance. But when he spoke, he sounded gentle and soft. He quietly made his way down the staircase which led to an alley where a black car was waiting for him. Without a sound, he got in.

''Clean shot.'' the driver who was none other than Kol Mikaelson grinned at the man in the backseat, ''Jim would be proud of you if you knew how much you improved your shooting skills.'' he continued as the man remained silent, ''You know what he'd say if he was still with us? He'd say 'my dead mother shoots better than you'.'' he chuckled with a small smile, ''Which would roughly translate to 'you did a pretty darn good job'...''

''Kol would you just shut your dirty mouth and start driving.'' the woman, Lexis Blake, said as she grabbed hold of his shoulder, turning him towards the front again, ''You know he doesn't talk much, why do you keep pressuring him? Especially when you manage to put Jim in every single of your damn conversations.'' she muttered under her breath.

''I can't help it, love.'' Kol replied as he started the car, the man in the back still sitting quietly in the back seat. He looked back and gave the man a small smile before turning back towards Lexis, ''I'm just tired of going on these damn missions with a wall. I'd like some conversations you know?'' he sighed, ''Some snarky comebacks and hair pulling... not just a damn killing machine with an emotionless face.'' he continued.

''Stop ranting and step on it.'' Lexis groaned as she closed her eyes, letting her head fall back on the head rest as the car sprinted out towards the streets of London, ''This man back there is all you've got for now and you can't do anything about it so shut your mouth and drive.''

''Lexis, are you even listening to what you're saying?'' the assassin whispered so that the man behind them couldn't hear them, ''He's a damn stranger and it would be nice if once in a while she would tell us who our new colleagues are going to be!'' he said angrily, ''I mean, she didn't even tell us his name and I'm sure he's not going to tell us any soon.''

''My name is Sebastian.'' the man in the back said with a rough voice, making Kol suddenly stopped the car and Lexis jerked her head towards him, ''Sebastian Moran, now if you will...'' he continued calmly, gesturing to the road in front of them, ''... get a move on, you know she doesn't like to be kept waiting this long.''

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