Chapter 18

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Thirty minutes of driving around London and the only sound she could hear was the sound of these two idiots complaining about each other. How could these two even put up with each other when all they did was bicker about useless things and throws body parts at each other? In short, all we knew is that the child between these two was Kol Mikaelson; Lexis Blake was more of a ''get it done in a second'' kind of person. But when they decide put aside their many differences, they were a perfect pair.

A few moments later, the car came to a stop with a sudden twitch. The car stopped in front of a familiar grey building. She patiently waited inside the vehicle, waiting for someone to open her car door so she could get out. She stared at Kol's eyes in the rear-view mirror. It probably had been two minutes now that they were having this childish eye contest. Suddenly Lexis punched her co-worker hard in the arm, making him loose eye contact, a high-pitch noise come out the back of his throat.

''Don't be a pussy and go open the door for her.'' the woman snarled at Kol as she watched him get out of the driver's seat. Smiling when she heard him whisper curses at her under his breath.

''You're such a baby.'' he barked at Juliet as he opened the passenger door for her to get out, ''You're so childish, I can't even believe it...''

''Takes one to know one.'' the girl replied poking him where Lexis had just punched him hard, he let out a small cry as she poked the bruise on his arm. She made her way around the car and blew them a kiss, ''Laters.''

''I hate this girl.'' Kol mumbled as he dodged the invisible kiss she had blown towards him. He sat back down into the driver's seat, started the car. As they made their way away from the building, he couldn't help but smirk at how much Juliet Waters had managed to make a place for herself into his cold dead heart.

-Boss' flat-

 Juliet started knocking on his door but soon realised she wasn't going to get an answer, she decided to try the doorknob, luckily, it was unlocked. She opened it and closed it tightly behind her. She once again stood inside the rather large flat, which was just as she had last seen it, perfectly clean. Not a single thing was out of place since she had been here. Not even one speck of dust could be seen on the tables and chairs.

To her right, was his office. Juliet shuffled her way to the two sliding doors and gently pushed them apart, revealing a large home office with a large wall-sized window, giving a view of London. A long, glass office table was placed in the middle of the room, on each side were at least a dozen seats. Paintings on the wall and four bookshelves around the room, all filled with folders and useless books that the girl couldn't even read. At the end of the table was a large wooden desk. And he sat, in his office chair. His head jerked up and a smirk crept up on his face as he saw the woman walking towards his desk.

Jim Moriarty.

''A little bird told me you wanted to see me.'' Juliet announced as she rested her hands on his desk, ''I'm rather busy.''

''No you're not.'' he replied with a sing-song voice. He quickly stood up, making his way around his desk and in front of the woman, his hands in his pockets. Juliet hopped backwards, sitting on his desk, folding her arms across her chest.

''I'm a busy girl.'' she sighed her legs hanging loosely off the edge of the desk, ''Why did you call me here?''

''Why do you stick around Sherlock Holmes?'' Jim asked, his expression darkening as he spat out the detective's name.

''I like detective stories.'' the girl smirked getting her face inches away from his, ''And detectives.''

''Stop messing around.'' he exclaimed jerking his head away from her as he knew what she was trying, ''You almost got yourself killed back there.''

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