Boring stuff until, Greek gods are real, oml!

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I felt like updating, lol

(Marinette's POV)

"Marinette! I remembered, I have to tell you something!" My Kwami exclaims as soon as I detransform. Saving Paris is a lot of work.

"What is it Tikki?" I ask. It was getting late and not a lot of people where about on the street but those who were didnt even look at me twice. I walked to my parents bakery as my Kwami begun her tale.

" It's about those kids." She says, causing me tocome to attention because this could be important to understanding what was going on.

Those kids had helped us defeat another akuma. Honestly, I had no idea what to do with that lucky charm. The Chinese guy is smart.

" my previous holder," she continues, " the ladybug before you, she was not normal. She was special."

" Yeah, you told me before, every ladybug was special. " I say as I spot the bakery. I run for it with Tikki floating close around me.

" No, Marinette! Not like that, how do I put this?" She sighs in frustration as she was thinking, " Ever heard of mythology, specifically Greek?" She asks.

I rack my brain. "I think so." I recall Ms Bustier have a lesson about it back in the 5th grade. The Satyrs and Centaurs and Hercules and Zeus and all that stuff.

"Well, please hear all that I have to say, dont freak out..." She says. When someone tells you not to freak out, you think something big is gonna happen so you freak out. I didn't. I just nodded as I prepared my mind for internal freaking out.

I entered the bakery. My parents were at the counter serving some customers. Tikki flew into my purse.

"Hello, Maman, Papa"

"Hey, honey! Back from school early? Must be because of the Akuma.

" Yeah.. Ladybug and Chat defeated him, " I rush to the stairs, " gonna do homework" I say as I bolt upstairs.

I wanted to know what Tikki was going to say, maybe the whole !mythology concept was a ploy to cover up some previous ladybugs identity? Could be anything.

I get to my room and she fly's out of my purse once more.

I sit at my desk and set out my homework. I actually had homework. I didnt lie. But instead of starting, I turn to face Tikki who was sitting on my shelf munching a cookie.

She stops and says, " Well, mythology, it is all real."

I stare at her like I was stupid, maybe I was and then I let out a manaical laugh. "Okay Tikki, now what were you going to tell me"

Her face still looked dead serious. Maybe she was right... Nah! Its all a joke. Right?

"The Greek gods are real, Marinette. The previous miraculous holder was a demigod, half mortal,"

"Half god?" I have watched Moana." You are joking. For all my 15 years of life, why haven't I seen a single piece of proof of this?"

"The mist." She mutters, " it veils human vision. It stops you from seeing the abnormal."

"But I see the abnormal everyday." I point out. Icecream monsters, giant babies, gorizilla, need I go on?"

" Marinette, believe me. Those kids, they emit an aura. Faint but familiar."

"You think they are demigods. Even if all this was real, I dont think-" I remember all I had seen them do, " actually, It makes sense" I mutter."How can we be sure?"

"I could consult- No" she stops herself. I tilted my head at an odd angle waiting for her to explain, "nothing... You should finish your homework"

I nod and turn back to my work.I had school tomorrow.

She talked no more of Greek people but questions were swarming in my head. I finally finished. Went down for dinner and came to bed. As I was about to fall asleep, I heard Tikki mutter something.


Then sleep engulfed me.

So... How did I do?

Pls tell me in the comments. You can suggest stuff you want too.

Number1LoLo has written a new story. Go check it out. I assure you, its so good, It makes you feel like you are the one in the story. It is on her profile page, just click on her user name right here and grant her one wish, read the story!



A gravity falls fic,

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A gravity falls fic,

Summer has come around again. Total hottie, Dylan Cip just moved to Gravity Falls. Who can blame Mabel Pines for falling in love with him. But Dipper Pines- Mabel's annoying twin brother- feels something wrong with Dylan. There's something about him that he just can't trust. In this story of Love, Romance and Adventure, how would love work out for them this time?

Coming soon...

(Soon can be a month or more, idk)
(I need your opinions, should I release it? I have 3 chapters in my drafts but I'm not sure about regular updates... I don't want to end it abruptly and upset my fellow wierdheads so yeah, you opinion counts)

~yours in demigodishness and all that,
Peace out✌

[DISCONT]The Heroes of Paris ~ Miraculous Ladybug X Percy Jackson CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now