Classes, Pointy knives and Grey eyed girls who might know your secret

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(Adrien POV) because he's a dense banana

I'm gonna admit it. The 7 children with pointy knifes were cool.

My head is exploding right now. I'm on my way home from fighting the akuma. Those guys are staying in Chloe's dads hotel.

I was thinking about what just happened. I think it was all a dream or maybe an illusion caused by the akuma but something in me was saying that it was all real.

I go over the weirdness of them.

1. The Chinese baby man turned into a bear
2. The elf guy was on fire
3. The blond dude was controlling electricity

I bet the rest of them were even wierder. Sadly, I couldn't ask them questions because only the brown haired girl with the weird eyes that changed colour frequently ( I think its called Kaleidescope eyes ) understood French.

Seriously, who comes to Paris without understanding the language?

I touch down in my room. I figured that going back to school would do no good since school was over. And everyone would think I was in the bathroom the whole time. I'll just have to deal with their assumptions of what they think I was doing.

I detransform onto my bed.

Plagg buzzes around while I search for Camembert in my pockets. I find it and toss it to him.

" Oh Camembert, my sweet sweet Camembert!" He shoves the whole thing down his mouth, disgusting me.

I check the time then go down for dinner. I now had to think up an esxuse for Natalie on how I got home and why I missed my photoshoot. Yeah... My life blows.

Nino came later to give me my homework. I simply told him that I went for a photoshoot. Luckily, he left without questions.

I go up to my room and sit down to do my homework. I finally finish, thankful for the fact that Plagg didn't bother me.

I take my bath, change and go to bed.

" Good Night Plagg!"

" I've been thinking, there's something off about those people. It seems familiar." The Kwami pauses, realizing that I was asleep or at least pretending to be to get him to shut up. " Night..." He mumbles.


The sunlight streams through my room. It was morning. I wake up to another day of boredom and workloads.

And ladybug...

And Ladybug. I jump out of bed and get ready to go to school.

I got there late. It's either that or Marinette was early today.

" Sup dude." Nino fist bumps me as I take my seat beside him, Did you hear? We are getting new students today, 4 of them are in our class. Thw others are in our grade but other classes."

" Cool, I'd like to meet them. " I really wanted to meet them. I wanted to make new friends. I had 15 years worth of friends to make.

Miss Bustier enters the class followed by four teenagers.

I hold in a gasp as I recognize than as some of the people from yesterday.

They were the boy with disheveled black hair and sea green eyes. He had on a blue T-shirt, jeans and Reebok's.
The blond girl with scary grey eyes, an orange T-shirt and shorts.
The blond guy who was shooting electricity yesterday and the brown haired girl with Kaleidescope eyes.

How can they be in our school if they don't even understand French.

Then the grey eyed girl started speaking French, much to my shock. I head a gasp from the blue haired girl infront of me. I didnt know why Marinette gasped.

" My name is Annabeth Chase, This is Percy Jackson," she gestured to the green eyed boy with the mischievous smile, " Jason Grace and Piper McLean." She said respectively.

" No way she's related to Tristan McLean." I heard Chloe scoff. It wasn't audible enough of anyone else to hear.

" Okay, you guys sit up back." Miss Bustier tells them. They move to the seats there. The grey eyed girl, Annabeth was going, eying me as she went.

" Okay class, turn In Your assignments."

Class was In session.

[DISCONT]The Heroes of Paris ~ Miraculous Ladybug X Percy Jackson CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now