Flying Cats, ripples, swords, knives and hammers

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(Marinette's POV)

Marinette duPain Cheng was sitting in a very boring science class staring at the back of Adrien Agreste's head like it was gold. Actually, to her it was. Besides, who would prefer learning about particle physics to admiring the back of your crushes head? Especially if your crush is a really hot model who's dad is your favourite fashion designer and is also a really nice guy- the crush not the father.

Then there was a loud crash, right on schedule.

The blue haired girl Snape back into reality where she wasn't married to Adrien. Her hand shoots up.

" Miss! Miss, can I go to the bathroom please?"

The teacher just waves her hand in the air in a !option telling her to go. A few seconds after the girl leaves, a certain blond someone excuses himself too.

Back to Marinette...

" Hawkmoth's right on schedule today." Tikki, her Kwami flies out of her purse.

" I wonder who turned into hawkmoth's puppet today. Care to find out?" She asks her Kwami.

" Just say the words"

" Tikki, Spots on! Yeah!"

In a flash of blinding pink light, instead of a blue haired clutz, a  polka dot leather covered girl stood there instead, drawing her yoyo from her side, she jumps out the window.

She yoyos to La tour d'Eiffel to scan the city for the akuma.

The black cat who aids her jumps in onto the tower.

" Nice to see you , milady." He bows in a gentlemanly manner. " So, who's the trouble this time?"

She rolls her eyes then finally spots it. Some blue and yellow waves where rippling through the city from a source, the akuma.

They both jump to the source. The akuma emerged from the colourful smoke around it.

" Oh hello ladybug and Chat Noir. I'm Shock, the best musician Paris has ever had. I play the best music! Bow down before the king!" He sends a wave at them causing g them to stumble. The akuma must be in the staff he was holding because that is where the wave came from.

" Ready for action, Milady?" Chat asks.

"Born ready,let's go!" They charge at him. The were managing for about 5 minutes and gradually tiring out. Chat had already tried his Cataclysm and as most of the time missed.

It sent a ripple of shock waves at them as they jumped at him. It collapsed a few buildings and probably a bus because I saw a door flying over me.

It also sent Chat flying. Who said cats can't fly? This one did.

I yoyo over there to check if he was fine. I got there to meet him rubbing his temple. The second thing I saw was 7 teenagers. With pens, planks of wood and clubs? No, I look more closely, 3 with swords, 2 with knives, one with a bow and arrow drawn and a scrawny little guy with a hammer. And it was on fire.

That. Was. Weird.

Next update is after I get at least 10 reads and like 5 votes and 5 comments.

[DISCONT]The Heroes of Paris ~ Miraculous Ladybug X Percy Jackson CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now