uwu I posted something non-depressing(EY MISSU I POSTED YEET)

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okay, after being depressed for like... two parts(oh shet the text ain't showing EDIT: nvm it is now)

anyway, I FINALLY got the guts to post a part.... cuz I wanted to... and I just really needed your opinions on this

and unsurprisingly its a BNHA Au I call the WitchHunt Au

also big shout out to @WolfAGirl887 cuz she's the first person I shared these ideas to

so yeah

commence epic trailer plot *awkward jazz hands*

Btw potential spoilers to the anime(should have brought that up earlier...)


In a world divided into humans and witches, peace between these two sides seem far out of reach, however this doesn't stop the young human Izuku 'Deku' Midoriya from dreaming that this can become reality someday. One day he meets the legendary witch Yagi Toshinori or All Might as he is called by humans, who supports his ideals and helps him reach them by giving him the legendary power of One For All. Months later Toshinori is captured by humans to be taken to the Capital and without One For All to aid him, he is rendered helpless. Deku now must venture the distance to the Capital and along the way gains allies and enemies, all while wondering if there is some bigger, darker force at the end of the path...


welp there you go, a dose of my crappy, crappy writing

if you were watching me write this you'll just see me constantly switching between Wattpad and YouTube(I was watching SuperRaeDizzle, idk I was bored af), and also screaming for no goddamn reason... yep...

so have some info on this Au

so like the description said the world is divided into humans and witches, more specifically 20% of the worlds population are witches. witches in this world are those who have some main power and the ability to use other spells related to their power, and I decided to split the overall population into-mixes-of-humans-and-witches-and-all-that-Harry-Potter-shit-its-hard-to-explain-just-lemme-show-you(why am I so salty)

pure humans(human parents)

pure witches(witch parents)

half race(unofficial name)(a human and witch parent)

husks(unofficial name)(witches who's powers were taken away via corrupted dark magic(making them human.... sorta... if you have some mutation thats unrelated to the power like Mina's pink skin or Tokoyami's bird head, they will be kept) this is extremely rare)

magias(unofficial name)(humans given power(making them witches), this is just rare, not too rare...but...rare...)

so yeah...

more story shet

like I said Deku was a human and he dreams of peace between humans and witches since he was young, even going as far as wanting to become one, but unsurprisingly his childhood friend Bakugo bullied him for it, and that was kinda why he was in the forest where he met Yagi in the first place....(god why am I so awkward)

I have made backstories for Mina Ashido, Fumikage Tokoyami and Mashirao Ojiro, and currently working on Katsuki Bakugo and Eijiro Kirishima's, but if you wanna see them ya gotta go to @WolfAGirl887 's digital art book and go to the comments of her Toshinori Yagi art, like, trust me, 80% of those comments are mine XD(btw her art is amazing go check her out)

(and no I did not go to google for those names I literally memorize all of class 1a, goes to show how much of a weeb I am)

so yeah... all the information for now

and I'm not gonna bother doing an outro or something cuz I know you guys won't bother to read this entire trash pile :')

(and I won't even bother checking for mistakes cuz I only saw one, and thats this entire thing)

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