Gen 8, Pokemon Sword and Shield

18 2 15

Fun fact this is the first time I ever witnessed the release of a new game(when Sun and Moon came out I still wasn't part of the fandom)
So today I will be trying to guess what's in store for us using the trailer....
Yeah this is suppost to be a youtube thing isn't it?

So let's start with what region this will probably be based off(I actually saw a vid saying that the Galar region(the region's name) isn't modeled after any place on earth, but I'll just be having fun here ^-^)
So the first few shots show a contryside with crops, with a bunch of cottages in the background... the architecture looks... European, so this region will be based of a European country, and what I think that country will be is the UK, see why later. A few some shots later the camera zooms in to what seems like the players house, inside we see the male character getting ready, but somthing about his pants tho...

 A few some shots later the camera zooms in to what seems like the players house, inside we see the male character getting ready, but somthing about his pants tho

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Hm... I wonder why theres a green plaid patter there? Doesn't it remind you of.... Scotland?
Anyway soon we see the girl charact outside the house and ready... wait a minute... those clothes...

 those clothes

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That hat... the jacket.... aren't those from the UK?
But then a few scenes later...

More European style architecture

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More European style architecture...
Anway from the shots we have and will see, this region has countrysides and snowy areas, but that's all we get
Soon we get a shot of a battle beginning
But the girl's uniform...

Anway from the shots we have and will see, this region has countrysides and snowy areas, but that's all we getSoon we get a shot of a battle beginningBut the girl's uniform

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Oh look it's Serena...(very funny joke)
No but seriously, doesn't here uniform give you Harry Potter vibes?
Anyway after a few more shots we get a short one of some sort of stadium..m
Then another shot of a picture on the side of a hill...
Reminds me of something, I just can't put my finger on it...
Then soon we see a shot of the male character in some sort of... what's the name again?

Well he's entering some sort of stadium that's for sureAnd that's the end of the first half of the trailer, then we get the starters' introductionAnd from the first shot we see that this region has some industrial style stuff

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Well he's entering some sort of stadium that's for sure
And that's the end of the first half of the trailer, then we get the starters' introduction
And from the first shot we see that this region has some industrial style stuff... as we see some gears
Then we get to the first starter
The fire one
A bunny
Bugs bunn----[we are experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by]

 as we see some gearsThen we get to the first starterThe fire oneA bunnyBugs bunn----[we are experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by]Scorbunny

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The name is obviously a combination of scorch and bunny
Then the next starter
The water one
Some sort of lizard or salamander

The name is obviously a combination of scorch and bunnyThen the next starterThe water oneSome sort of lizard or salamanderSobble

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The name could be a combination of Salamander and bubble, but I may be wrong
Then the last starter
The grass one
A monkey

A combination of grove and monkey, but I see groove in the name tooAnd I have one thing to say about ScorbunnyGAMEFREAK YOU BETTER NOT GIVE US ANOTHER FIRE FIGHTING TYPE UNLESS IT'LL BE BETTER THAN THE PREVIOUS TWOAnd if ya want a duel type, why n...

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A combination of grove and monkey, but I see groove in the name too
And I have one thing to say about Scorbunny
And if ya want a duel type, why not Fairy or dark... oh wait we already have those, well WHY NOT JUST KEEP IT SINGLE TYPED?!
Jesus gamefreak...
And I heard from a vid on a possible UK region once(made by Mr Buddy, he's a really good poketuber ^-^) that the european rabbit once were an invasive species in England, maybe Scorbunny's fire typing reflect how much damege it caused back then, who knows? I could be just going too deep into this,
Idk about the other two tho...

So thats about it for me(nah I was just lazy)

Randomness, weird stuff, and everything in betweenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora