R.I.P Stan Lee :')

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So the father of Marvel, Stan Lee, has passed on November 12, probably due to some health problems, I'm a fellow fan of his and I just want to say a few words...

Okay, I never have watched any of the movies(expect Guardians of the Galaxy, both of them), not even Infinity war! Crazy right?! Anyway, even if I haven't watches any of the movies, the chracters have been a HUGE part of my life, and the lives of my friends, and the lives of their friends! The point is, Stan had a huge impact on our lives and I want to thank him for being an inspiration to all of us, and if there is ONE thing I learned from him, its that you don't need superpowers, or to die in order to save someone, OR to risk your life to save others! You can just make people happy! And that one thing, that.One.THING. is what he has been doing for decades! Imagine a world without him! I can't even think about it! So I and his millions of fans thank him....

In short, I wanted say...

R.I.P Stan Lee
Our hero that didn't need powers to make us all happy

Do you guys feel the tears?! Cuz I do! :'''D

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