Simple Christmas lesson kids!

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Soooo, if you're wondering why I keep saying "its already Christmas in the Philippines" because it is, lemme just explain :)
Buts lets keep this sweet and salty shall we?

Long time ago, Philippines was full of tribes and shít, until a Spainish dude and his men came to the island of... uhhh... somewhere in east Visayas! His name was Magellan, but oh no he got speared by some tribe leader named Lapu-Lapu, time-skip to a while later and Horay Philippines belongs to Spain, soon Spain rubbed all that good Christianity all over Philippines before any other Asian country which is in the South and the East... well almost all over(they never got Mindanao...)... anyway, Time-skip to today and horay we got the longest Christmas in the world!

"What do you do on Christmas?"

Well on the first month(September) and also the other months except December... nothing really happens expect Carols being played on the Radio and Star-shaped lanturns being sold(I'm pretty sure the start is suppost to represent the Star of Bethlehem), at least here in Kabankalan I think its WAY more intense in Manila(the country's capital), but on December things get bright, houses usually are decorated with lights and lanturns, Christmas trees and usually set up about a month earlier(I mean like, our's are already set up... but not decorated... yet), Caroling(a night to night thing where children(around 11 years old or YOUNGER, good job parents -_-) go around the gates of houses and sing some carols to hopefully get a peso or two, they also use home made instruments like bottle caps they squash to make it flat, nail them to a piece of wood, and make sure they can still move so you can here a sort of jingle), is also common on December

Also, don't insult our Christmas, for your sake and ours, we take Christmas VERY seriousely.... sort of... we still like to laugh and play and other shít but mocking Christmas and Jesus Christ is considered disrespectful here... so please... just don't...

So guys I hope these answers your questions and can you PLEASE if I was salty of sasssy cuz sadly I can't tell the difference(or if I'm being salty in the first place), if you have more questions just ask, seriously, its good to ask

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