OOoOoOOoHhHHHHH The heat is on!

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So, ya guys probably already heard of the PewDiePie Vs T-series thing, but if ya haven't, lemme keep ya updated
So of course ya heard bout PewDiePie but in case you didn't know T-Series its a music company, the key word was company my friends, its based from India and is known to make soundtracks for movies, the reason for their current popularity is because of the constantly growing number of internet users in India, but sadly, they don't have plenty of Indian Youtubers, so what channel do they go to to watch vids?
T-Series, duh
Both of these channel are currently at 70 million subs, but Pewds is above them by less than 200,000 subs! The heat is sooooo intense right now oh my god
If ya learn a bit more about this watch The Infographics vid about this and if ya wanna keep updated with the number of subs they have, there is is a few live sub counts for both channels, like the one up there in the media... yeah that one...

So guys who's are ya in please let me know! For me I'm sorta neutral on this one, I don't really watch both of them, and at least I don't have to go to the corner if the side I'm on loses

Randomness, weird stuff, and everything in betweenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ