21. they made me run from a wolf

Start from the beginning

Her smile almost immediately fell from her face, and after a quick glance at Caroline, she looked back at her brother. "Silas and I got into a fight last night..he's at the Grill drinking. He has been all morning." 

Marcel frowned. 

December 7, 2017 

Mystic Falls, Virginia 

The Salvatore Boarding Home 

1 AM - Nine Days Before

Poppy woke up when she heard the door open. The foyer was dim and warm, due to the fire in the fireplace. She sat up tiredly, the thin blanket she was wearing falling down to her lap. She looked down at her phone to check the time. 

"Oh, Silas...1:34 in the morning?" She asked. "You were seriously out that long?" Poppy pushed the blanket off of her completely and stood up. 

Silas unzipped his coat and hung it up. "Don't act so surprised." 

"Si.." Poppy frowned in concern and walked out of the foyer. "Are you okay?" She inquired in a soft tone, approaching him quietly. She brushed her fingertips against his arm before turning on the light. 

"Leave me alone." Silas grumbling turning away from her and kicking off his shoes. 

Poppy frowned. "Silas, we had one fight. That's all...every married couple goes through it." 

Silas turned to look at her, revealing a bruise on his cheekbone and forehead. His wife let out a gasp in surprise, her expression turning to worry. "What do you want me to say, Poppy? That we're going to be okay? We aren't." 

"What happened to you?" She asked quietly, ignoring his last statement. 

"Your enemies jumped me. This just proves my argument from the other day." He began to walk past her, but then stopped and turned around. "It was a mistake coming back here, and it was a mistake letting the kids come. I'm weaker when I'm with you, Poppy, can't you see that?!" He pointed to his forehead. 

Poppy began to pick at her fingernails of both hands, which were at her sides. "I can bring up some body guards from New Orleans. Witches, to protect you and the kids." 

"You don't own them! They're not yours to boss around, and just in case you don't know this, you're not actually royalty. You think that because you can control people, and compel humans, that you're superior. Don't get me wrong, you can be a good quote-unquote Queen but it doesn't change the fact that the crown is not yours because it doesn't exist. You're not a queen, you're not an alpha, you're just a Mikaelson." 

His wife took a step back, unsure of where all of the anger and hatred had come from. Maybe he was right, though. Maybe there was no crown, but everyone needed a leader, someone to keep them controlled, and that happened to be her. But the last part? Being a Mikaelson? He said it with some hatred, and Poppy wasn't sure why. She didn't understand what she had done to deserve such hatred directed towards her from her own husband. 

Taking a breath, she quickly composed herself, putting on a face of stone. "Of course I'm a Mikaelson. I'm loyal to my family and I will do what it takes to protect my family. But I am also a Salvatore. I care about other people, I don't think myself to be superior. Where are you getting all of this from?" 

Silas rolled his eyes. "I'm just finally listening to what people have been saying." 

"What people?"

"The people who are trying to kill you." Her husband stated. "And if you actually cared about people you'd listen to what they have to say." 

"Seriously?" Poppy raised her eyebrows. "Silas, they are trying to wipe New Orleans clean of the supernatural. Werewolves are almost extinct, our vampires are good, and the witches are full of elderly and good people and children! Are you seriously going to stand by them with all of that?" She asked, hoping he would come to his senses. She stared at him  in disbelief as he averted his eyes and began to think, and she let out a huff. "Our kids are witches...you'd seriously let those vampires kill our kids?" Her voice was quiet for that question, and she was now scared of what his answer would be. 

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