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June 30th, 1997

"I'm sorry Alyssa. I just... I don't think this is working anymore. I love Donna... And after... After what happened it just hasn't been the same. I'm sorry..." Opie told me a look of sadness etched across his features.

I didn't cry. I didn't stomp around or plead with him to give us another chance. I didn't tell him we could make it work. I didn't get angry. I simply walked to the door and gestured for him to leave. I was so done with fighting. I was done with begging for him to give us another chance.

After what happened, nothing's been the same. I knew months ago that he was falling for her. I wanted so badly for all of this shit to have never happened. For things to have happened the way they were supposed to...

Opie stepped in front of me and took my hand in his. "I'm sorry Lyssa... I'm so beyond sorry..." He whispered.

He let go of my hand and with a heavy sigh he left. I closed the door and leaned my back against it. It took a good couple of minutes before I heard his bike start up in my driveway. That's when the tears pricked at my eyes as I heard his bike drive away...

Present Day
July 16th, 2015

I pulled over my truck in front of the 'Welcome to Charming' sign and sighed as I got out. It's been eighteen years since I've been in this town. I moved away within days of my breakup with Harry Winston, I attended the Royal Academy of Dance in New York - Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I spent years perfecting my skill and methods.

You see, ever since I was small I loved to dance. I did Ballet, Jazz, Tap and Pointe. So, when the opportunity arose for me to leave and do what I loved, I wasn't going to let it pass me by.

My dad was pissed about my leaving, even more so when year after year I refused to come back. I've taught in dance schools around North America with my closest friend Desireé for the last twelve years. Now, we've come here. To open our own dance school in Charming.

I heard the distant rumble of a bike engine as it approached from within the city limits of Charming. When the driver pulled his bike off the road just on the other side of the welcome sign, he yanked of his helmet and the wide grin that spread across his face made me smile widely as well.

"Daddy!" I ran at him as he opened his arms wide and caught me.

"Oh love. I've missed ya so much!" His accent was still as thick as ever.

"I've missed you too Dad." I whispered.

I bet you're probably wondering who I am and what really happened all those years ago. I am Alyssa Caoimhe Telford. Eldest daughter to Filip 'Chibs' Telford. I am almost thirty seven years old and I look nearly nothing like my dad.

I am five foot three, I weigh maybe one hundred and fifteen pounds. I have long perfect blonde ringlets and emerald green eyes. Now the story of what happened between Opie and I, is a story for another time...

"Come on. Everyone's waiting for us at the club house. Is Desireè coming too?" He asked.

"Yeah, she'll be here tomorrow. She wanted to give me a day to see everyone."

"I gotta warn ya love. Opie is there too." He told me.

I tried to ignore the stab to my heart. "It's been eighteen years Dad... I've moved on. I still consider him a friend, even if we haven't spoken." I said.

He nodded and we parted ways. I followed him in my truck all the way to Teller-Morrow Automotive. I could see the line-up of bikes and my dad has kept me sort of up to date of the happenings with the club and the members I loved dearly. When I heard about Piney's death, that hit hard... He was like another father to me. Clay's death was one I expected after hearing of all the things he had done. Clay used to be my favorite uncle, he was always so kind and spoiled me rotten. He paid for a lot of my dance classes as a child when he saw how passionate I was but he changed. He changed for the worst...

Tara and Jax are back together and she's been raising his son Abel and their shared son Thomas. I couldn't wait to meet them. I've heard so much about them.

I looked around and sighed before climbing out of my truck. Dad was beside me in a moment and had his arm around my shoulders. "Be ready for this. Everyone's really missed you." He chuckled.

I was a little confused but nodded anyways as we headed into the clubhouse. The second I stepped in and my dad moved so everyone could see me I heard a collective gasp then a scream. It was seconds later I was tackled by Gemma Teller.

"Baby you're home!" She exclaimed hugging me tightly. "Are you staying?" She asked pulling away to look me in the eyes.

"Yes Auntie Gem. I'm home for good." I told her.

A few tears rolled down her cheeks and I hugged her again. It took a few moments but she pulled away with a smile. After that everyone else came to hug me. First was Tig, then Bobby, and Tara. After that many new faces came to greet me. Happy, Phil, Ratboy and Juice. Jax was next hugging me tightly to his chest, telling me how happy he was I was home. "You have to come over tonight and meet the boys!" He told me.

I smiled and nodded at him agreeing. My eyes scanned the room but stopped short when they landed on him. He was still as tall as ever, stockier then he was when we were kids. He now wore a black beanie over his head and his beard had grown long.

I met his eyes and my heart contracted in my chest. All the pain from eighteen years ago came rushing back and hit me like a truck. His face had shock etched into his features, his eyes held years of sorrow and guilt.

"Come here." I told him opening my arms.

He didn't think twice just strode directly into my arms and collapsed. His body began to shake as the shirt over my belly was dampening. I held him close as he let it all out and everyone else in the room left us be. I dropped down with him and he laid his head on my shoulder with his face in my neck. "I'm here Opie... I'm here." I whispered pulling his beanie off to run my fingers through his hair which is a trick I still remembered to calm him down.

The hurt I felt from all those years ago is nothing compared to what this man was holding in his heart. He lost his wife and his father among so much more that I don't know about. And I know he still holds onto the hurt from what happened to us all those years ago.

"Don't leave again." He whispered.

"I won't Opie." I told him still hugging him close. "I promise."

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