Chapter 54

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As me and Asriel watched the limited anime at our disposal, Asgore walked in with our Tea and even sat with us. Luckily he didn't seem to be the kind of parent to ask questions every few seconds, and actually managed to keep up so me and Asriel didn't have to pause the anime constantly.

After a bit, Max woke up and sat next to Asgore as he stared at the TV, sighing after awhile due to the subtitles moving to quickly for him to understand.

It takes an advanced man of culture to enjoy. Sorry Max.

As soon as Frisk woke up, She and Max went into the kitchen to make more tea for us. Frisk teased Max for hardly understanding anime. Max defended himself and stated simply "It isn't his thing".

So long as he says that, I have no brother.

Once (Boku No Goku) was finished, Asriel groaned and got up to change the anime. I noticed Chara quietly walk into the kitchen and leave with several bars of chocolate.

Asriel: Put those back, Chara. Only one!
Chara: UGH!

Chara groaned and put the chocolates back and returned with two bars. Asriel sighed in irritation as Chara sat next to me and offered a chocolate bar as she bit the wrapper off her own.

(YN): Out of this whole room, you choose to sit next to me?
Chara: I am offering you chocolate.
(YN): ...You make a worthy bargain.

I took the bar and took the wrapper off as Chara ate her own and licked her fingers. Asriel sat back down as another anime started and it seemed to be another (I swear If you pervs pick Hentai, I will laugh and then be mad and then laugh again. Then maybe tell SkullBasher. Just pick a damn Genre.) I looked to Asriel who merely shrugged as Asgore passed out from what I assume to be boredom.

Max and Frisk came back and gave us more tea. Chara took a cup and took a sip before calmly setting the cup down for the anime.

Somewhere between scenes, I noticed Chara turn to me and put a hand on my shoulder as she blushed slightly. I turned to her with a bored look as Chara nervously spoke.

Chara: H-...Hey..
(YN):.. Hi?
Chara: Uh..
(YN): I am at a loss. What is this from?
Asriel: Quit your flirting! Enjoy the anime.
(YN): Go to Frisk and learn how to Flirt, please.
Frisk: I get to teach Chara how to flirt??
Asriel: Shush!
(YN): If she would like you too.

Chara merely nodded softly and sighed as Frisk beamed with excitment. She reached down and grabbed Chara's hand and ran to Asriel's room. Though Chara came back for another bar of chocolate and her tea.

Max: I better go with them. I would rather not have Frisk teach her something inappropriate. Asriel?
Asriel: Wah?
Max: There is more tea in the kitchen if you would get up and-
Asriel: Nah.
Max:... Okay.
Asriel: Yah.

Max sighed and went after Frisk and Chara as me and Asriel remained to watch (Boku No Goku No Piko No Niko)

Meanwhile, in Chara's room.

Frisk seated Chara on her own bed as She and Max sat on Asriel's.

Frisk: I couldn't help but notice what move you did on (YN) earlier. You see, you shouldn't do that. That kind of move wouldn't work on him.
Max: Where did you even learn that?
Chara:...D-Don't worry about that..
Max: Alright...
Frisk: Class is in session! Right, so you have feelings for our boy, (YN). Correct?
Chara: How do you know?!
A.) I have known for awhile. Ever since you realized there was something different about him.
B.) You only ever flirt with someone you don't like if you are a *********************************

Max stared at Frisk in disbelief as she stated reason B. Did she really have to go into such drastic detail? Chara also stared, not exactly knowing what half the words actually meant.

Frisk: Ahem. Anyways, You like him. He also seems to be aware of that. Since he knows, we can skip over subtlety and just go into the next step. Flirt the way YOU flirt. In a way that sends a message, but also wouldn't make you stutter so much.
Max: I would say that sitting next to him and giving him candy was a pretty good idea. Since you never share your chocolate and all.
Chara:...fair enough.
Frisk: So then lets try that again, but on a higher scale. Chara, what do you like?
Chara: Reading.. Drawing. Sleeping.. Candy.. Anime... Cooking and gardening-
Frisk: Hmm. We have a lot to work with here.
Max: Maybe you can make him some food?
Frisk: Max, you're his brother. You should know things like this!
Max: I... i don't ask him what he likes in a girl. Mainly because he used to not give girls much thought. And siblings don't ask that so casually.
Frisk: Your use to us has ended.

Max sighed and chopped Frisk's head, making her apologize as she rubbed her head and whimpered.

Max: Anyway: Just make him food as a kind gesture. Don't force your affection on him. Just give it to him in small doses.
Frisk: M-Mhm! Mr. And Ms. Love masters have solved the case!
Max: How are you a Love genius?
Chara: She... flirted with my mom..
Frisk: in my defense, I was curious!
Max: We need to talk about your double standards.

Scars: Female Chara X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now