Chapter 49

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Reader's POV
As Asgore prepared the tea and poured them into several cups for us, Max carried me into the kitchen. Asgore turned over and didn't seem to notice us as he hummed a calmly tune in an expression of joy. Max cleared his throat and caught Asgore's attention, causing him to set down the tea pot and turned over.

Asgore: Yes?
Max: My brother needs help. Can you check his SOUL or something to make sure that he is okay?

Asgore's eyes widened slightly before returning to a relaxed state as he nodded.

Asgore: Come with me. The royal scientist will help and see what's wrong. Asriel, Chara.

The two Dreemurrs turned to their father as Max helped me support me to my feet while I regained my balance.

Asgore: Your friends and I are going to visit Alphys. If you like, you may come along with us.

Asriel and Chara looked to each other and nodded as They stood up and walked to us, leaving Frisk alone on the table...

Frisk:... Can I bring the tea?
Asgore: So long as you be careful, Yes.

Frisk smiled and took the tea cup with her as we all headed through the castle and to the lab.

Once we arrived to the lab, I heard a voice that I recognized. Alphys.

She typed at her computer as some sort of cartoon played on a near by TV. She adjusted her glasses and Asgore smiled and cleared his throat.

Asgore: Alphys, if you would be so kind, I have a favor to ask.
Alphys: S-Sure Sir.. A-Anything f-

Alphys turned over on her computer chair and froze up as she saw Me, Max, and Frisk along with the Dreemurrs. Max waved with a small smile as Frisk finished her tea and peered over at the cartoons.

Asgore: The young one, (YN). His SOUL is acting up. If you could please be so kind as to check on him?
Alphys: O-Of course! Right t-this way please

I nodded and walked with Alphys across the lab and sat down as I was told.

Alphys: P-Please raise your s-shirt, (YN)

I raised a brow at Alphys with a "What the Quaking Duck?" Look. Only to see that she had what looked to be some sort of stethoscope device that was connected to a machine. I let out an inaudible sigh and raised my shirt, turning my head to the side. As Alphys put the instrument to my stomach, it started to glow a very faint, soft white.

I took a glance over at the others. Asgore, Asriel, and Alphys were all looking at the machine while Max and Frisk were looking at the cartoon. While Max was just asking why it was so colorful and loud, Frisk just seemed enamored by it. I looked over and saw that Chara was staring at me with a not-so faint blush on her cheeks.

(YN): No staring.
Chara: S-Sorry!

Chara quickly turned over and tried to find something else to occupy herself with while I rolled my eyes amd forced down my own blush.

Alphys: Y-Your DT levels are r-really low.. T-The extraction process must h-have taken more DETERMINATION then e-expected...
Max: what does that mean?
Alphys: T-The other SOULS t-that we used went into Asriel a-and helped him.. He didn't get as m-much DETERMINATION from (Y-YN) as we expected.. b-but Chara took so much t-that his SOUL gets s-sudden pains when separated from the r-rest for too long..

I looked down at Alphys and lowered my shirt as everyone turned to her. Alphys gulped and looked over at everyone else as she held her hands together.

Alphys: (Y-YN)'s SOUL is too weak r-right now... i-it might never recover.. C-Chara

Chara froze up slightly but nodded as she looked to Alphys.

Alphys: (Y-YN) might die... W-Without the DETERMINATION that y-you took, he w-will be too frail to live for too long..
Asriel: so... what does that mean..?
Alphys: W-Well... (Y-YN) is dying.. A-And Chara has a choice..
Chara:...w-..which is..?

Alphys lowered her head and sighed shakily as she held her own hands.

Alphys: K-Keep the DETERMINATION a-and l...l-let (YN) die... o-or..g-give it back...a-and die yourself...

Scars: Female Chara X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now