Chapter 52

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I continued to try and move my foot from Chara's grasp but achieved little to nothing in return for my efforts.

If anything, she just hugged my leg tighter and crawled closer towards me. All while she mumbled incoherent sounds as she drooled. I groaned quietly and laid back, trying to ignore the drool that was now on my leg.

Aside from the drool, and the fact that it was Chara that had my leg between her somewhat large.. Assets, I would say that this would be somewhat enjoyable.

But with the drool and having it be Chara, I had little to no patience.

After barely 2 minutes of her cuddling to my leg, I decided to sit up and pinch her nose shut and close her mouth. Within 4 seconds, she shot open and fell back on the floor, allowing me to wipe her off of my leg and get up. Chara panted and looked over at me, her eyes widening at the sight of me being up and well. I left the room before she could say anything, but she scrambled after me and held her hands up to her chest, closing them as she followed behind me.

I closed the door and started to walk to the kitchen. Chara, however, followed quietly behind as she awkwardly watched my movements. I sighed and turned to her as she looked up at me, seemingly oblivious to the situation.

Chara: Yes?
(YN): Why are you following me like a lost pup?
Chara: Just..making sure you're okay.. Y-You really scared everyone there
(YN): Well, I would be concerned if no one worried about me passing out. So. Thanks?

I shrugged as I turned over and kept walking. I saw that Asgore fell asleep on the couch in the livingroom. When I stopped walking to look around, Chara bumped into me and squeaked.

(YN): With all due respect, Chara. Stop following me.
Chara: Well.. We're the only ones awake right now. And I want to make sure you're okay..
(YN):... I'm sure you do.
Chara: What do you mean?
(YN): Don't worry about it. Just take 5 steps back if you're going to follow me.

Chara nodded slowly and took 5 steps back. I sighed and walked on, adventuring the castle further. I wandered through the halls and eventually found myself back in flower garden that surrounded the throne of Asgore himself.

Chara followed me throughout the journey and as I kneeled down and stared at the flowers. They reminded me of... of the Echo flowers. And...

And Flowey.

I looked back at Chara, who seemed to have silenced herself as soon as I entered the throne room, as I stood up and turned to her.

(YN): Chara. You remember everything throughout all of the runs that you and Frisk did before our last one. Right?
Chara: Oh..w-ow that' odd question.. I do..
(YN): Do you regret what you had Frisk do? What you did?
Chara:...Yes.. I'd apologize if... if anyone believed me..
(YN):...and what of Max?

Chara looked up to me as I wiped a tear from my eye and flicked it back into the garden, keeping my eyes dead on her own as her deep red eyes peered into mine.

(YN): What about him? Do you feel guilty?
Chara:..m-more then you would believe..(YN). I..really doubt you wouldn't believe anything I'd tell you about.. Who I was before the genocide...
(YN): Try me. Walk me through it and tell me what drove you to that length.

Chara nodded and turned back as she motioned for me to follow behind. She walked me past the door I slept in and further down the hall. Several of frames where aligned on the wall. Some of Asgore, some of Toriel, some of them together. But after 4 or 5 pictures, Asriel came into the scene.

Scars: Female Chara X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now