Chapter 9

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Sans' POV
I had all of my attacks ready incase this...dirty brother killer. Tried anything. She just stood there, with her eyes staring into my own while they glowed a bright crimson. I knew that the demon child once again possessed Frisk. This isn't her first run, But what suprises me most is the new kids, Max and (YN).

Chara: Im just as suprised as you are Comedian.
Sans: Suprised?
Chara: those new brats shouldn't be here. They're both ruining this Time line-
Sans: ruining because of them being human? Or because you know they won't let you commit genocide?

Chara sighs in irritation.

Chara: I can still. Kill. You.

I stand up and ready a gaster blaster as she readies a knife. Before we can attack, a loud knock can be heard, causing both of us too stop.

(YN): Sans?! Frisk?! Are you two going to finish your spaghett?!
Sans:... No! Go ahead and um... Save it for later...

Reader POV
I immediately realized that something was wrong due to a voice being heard inside of Sans' room mot sounding like Sans or Frisk's voice. I opened the door and looked around and Saw sans with a glwoing eye, and Frisk with the Red eyes and knife in her hand. Maybe its some kind of ability. Her eyes are the same shade of red as her soul, so i can only assume its an ability.

(YN): Frisk! Having a knife is dangerous, You can cut someone with that!

In a sense of irony, I take the knife from Frisk and put it into my pocket, careful to not hurt myself.

Sans: Um... Kid..?
'Frisk': Give. It. Back...

(YN): No

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(YN): No. You could have hurt someone with that
'Frisk': I uh... Need it-
(YN): You aren't in the kitchen. So tell me, why do you need it?

Sans' POV
I was honestly shocked. Either this kid was braver than me and Chara expected, or dummer. I leaned over and saw (YN) stare Chara in the eyes as he continued to lecture her as her blood lust and anger raised.

Chara: Im not going to explain myself to a child! Give. It. Back!
(YN): No!
Chara: Right! Now!
(YN): I'm putting this back into the kitchen. You should know better than to play with sharp objects!

Charas eyes began to leak a dark, slimy substance as she stared (YN) down. Her hands clenched into fists as she raised one of her hands, about to hit him. In response, (YN) just hugged her.

(YN): I don't know what your ability is, But calm down please...

Chara, seeming to have no idea of what to do just feel back and collapsed on the bed next to me.

(YN): No Knives
Chara: Give it back you brat!
(YN): Brat? I'm 15! only 1 year younger than you! And youre the one whining!

Chara growled until (YN) got up and left the room with Chara chasing after him.

Chara's POV
'What the hell am i doing?!? I killed hundreds of thousands of monsters and humans! So why and how am I unable to kill this little shit?!?'

(YN): No!
Chara: Now!
(YN): No!

The little brat put my knife into the drawer and grabbed my wrist, dragging me away. This kid was.. Freakishly strong. He held my wrist and dragged me away... Now would be a good time to give Frisk the front wheel.

Chara: Fine Fine...
(YN): About time you learned Frisk

Scars: Female Chara X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now