Chapter 16: Let's Talk

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I saw the pain in his eyes and it shattered my heart. Maybe he's telling the truth. Vic wouldn't hurt me on purpose, would he?

"Vic." I called from my spot on his bed. I often slept here when I felt scared or needed somewhere to feel protected.

He poked his head round the corner of his bedroom door, his eyes landing on me. "Come here, I need to talk to you." I ordered, motioning him with my index finger.

The other done as I asked sitting on the opposite side of the bed from me. "I'm not going to tell you what you already know." Started I in a monotone yet understanding tone.

"I don't like the distance between us. I want to work this out but I need to know how you feel."

Vic looked towards me, softness taking over his features. "Incredibly guilty." Spoke he quietly. "I hate myself for what I did to you."

"Don't be." Came my voice. I crawled over to the end of the bed where he situates. My hand extended to his face, holding it. "I don't hate you Viccy, I never could." I whispered as I pulled his lips to mine quickly.

Deeply, I'm happy I did that, knowing that it made Vic and I both feel better about what happened.

"I'm so sorry, Kells." Spoke the tanned bloke as our lips departed.

"Don't be stupid. You never have to apologize to me, okay?" My comment provoked a warm smile upon his plump lips.

God, he's smile.

"Come on, how about we eat out?" I suggested while stroking Vic's knee to comfort him further.

"Yeah." Was all he said.

I rose from the bed, Vic grabbing my hand. "I'll let Hunter know and we can go, okay."

Vic smiled while stroking my knuckles. "Okay." Spoke he. "I-I..."

"What is it?" Questioned I.

Vic shook his head gently. "Nevermind."

Before questioning the sweet boy, I turned to walk down the hall. Once approaching Hunter's door, I knocked softly before opening it.

He was standing facing the grey wall, staring ahead. "Hunter," I called to him. The young boy turned around to glance at me innocently. "We're going out to eat in a while. Do you know what you want to wear?"

He shook his head.

"Would you like me to help you?"

"Y-yes p-please." I headed to his wardrobe as I oped it, revealing his colourful clothing.

Hunter approached, standing beside me. His hand reached for a plain white shirt with matching black skinny jeans. I couldn't help but notice the distinct burn mark that buried upon his wrist.

My lips curved into a sympathetic smile. I wasn't going to ask him anything as I knew it was most likely from Jamie.

A/N: this is a really short chapter but I've had serious writers block. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and I'll update when I can, I'll write in my spare time and try to update at least once a week.

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