Chapter 15: Controversial Behaviour

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"Vic, calm down." Kellin said, stroking my shoulder.

I ignored his gesture of sympathy, turning around to look at him. My eyes danced over his proportionate face as I took in all his beauty.

With one quick motion, I roughly pushed Kellin down on my bed, my lips attacking his neck while my hands pin down his.

I didn't know what was happening got me, all I knew was this felt right and I wanted him.

I crawled on top of the smaller boy, letting my weight sit on his lower region, holding him in place.

Kellin's hand gripped the sheets when I began grinding down on him, my semi hard erection rubbing against his own one.

The boy thrashed about below me, almost kicking and screaming. Still, my lips travelled down his shirt as I easily ripped it apart and tore it off his gorgeous body.

My hips move at a rapid speed against him as unwanted whimpers left his lips. "V-Vic," mumbled the other.

I ignored his pleads for help as I continued my movements. My hands scratched at his stomach, some nail marks left obvious on his pale, delicate skin.

"Let me go!" Yelled he. "Please, Viccy."

That codename he used for me snapped me back to reality. I looked down at the innocent, sweet boy below me, tears falling from his eyes as his fragile body trembled.

I pulled myself from him, glancing at the terrified boy with sympathy taking over my expression.

"Kellin, I'm so sorry." Apologized I. "I don't know what came over me."

The trembling boy only laid still, shaking in my presence. It broke my heart to see Kellin like this and I regret my actions completely.

"I-it's okay." He stuttered.

I extended my hand for him to grab, though he never did. "No, it's not." I said, wiping my tears with the back of my hand.

Kellin quivered in his posture, still laying on his back. I sat back on the bed looking down at the fragile boy.

"I w-was so s-scared, Vic." The other spoke, pulling his knees to his chest once he sat up, cradling in his own figure.

All I could do was stare at him, hate filling my blood. "Why would you do that, Vic?" Cried the boy.

"I don't know, Kellin. I couldn't control myself. I really wanted," I cut myself off.

"Wanted to what?" Inquired the quivering one.

I sighed feeling incredibly guilty. "Have sex with you."

Only bursts of pain traced from his lips as they shook in process. "That's not what you do, though. You can't go around forcing yourself on people. You know that." Said he.

I nodded, the only thing I could do without wanting to break down in tears. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't think you feel the same way," replied I with nostalgia lacing my words. "I can't forgive myself for that." I cried.

A silence was casted upon us, neither one spoke. Until Kellin unwrapped from himself, sitting up to see me clearly.

I gave him one sympathetic look before he spoke.

"You tried to rape me."


A/N: sorry it's short, either way I hope you enjoyed. Stay safe and please don't throw rocks or magazines with Vic and Kells on at me.

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