Chapter 1: Phone Call

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Kellin's POV

Beaten. Battered. Bloody. Bruised. Is it bad to say that I'm used to it?

"Would you look at yourself for once, it's pathetic. You're pathetic!" The voice yelled as a loud band echoed through the house.

"Please stop. This isn't how it's meant to be." I pleaded, my eyes a dark shade of black and blue.

"Don't you dare say that to me! Who do you think you fucking are. Nothing. That's what you are, and that's all you'll ever be!"

"Just hear me out, I can explain." It was no good; there's no way I'm going to get my say.

"I think you've said enough. Get out of my house I never want to see you it that child of yours again."

Tears cascaded down my cheeks as they dropped onto the wooden floor below. She threw her ring that I had bought for her at me, I watched as she punched the wall for a second time. That's when I heard crying, but not any crying. My daughter.

"Fucking sort that thing out!" She yelled looking towards me with anger written in her face as I stand helplessly in the doorway. I did as she ordered and stumbled tearfully into my daughters room, picking her up and whispering, "shh, it's okay baby. Daddy's here. You're safe."

My body was numb and exhausted as I carry my 2 year old to the room again where I was met by my 'wife'.

"I want you and that thing out of here by the count of 3."

"She's you're daughter too." I argue back knowing that I have no chance of winning. That's when Copeland started crying again, I pulled her in close to my chest trying to comfort her.

Katelynne stormed forwards, grabbing Copeland from my weak arms, carrying her to the front door with me following straight after. She roughly handed my our child and pushed me out, slamming the door on us before I even had a chance to say something.

What am I going to do now?

Knowing that I have no where to go and no money, I was left with no choice. I have to earn my keep somehow.

Night had kicked in and so had the cold. Luckily I came across an unoccupied bridge that sat just above a straight, narrow flowing lake. By this time Copeland had fallen asleep in my arms, I knew that this was the only place we could stay.

Taking my jumper off, I laid it on the cold cement floor before carefully placing my baby on it as I wrapped her in the only article of warmth I had with me.

I lay down cuddling next to her, falling gently asleep to the sound of her soft breathing.

*the next morning*

I awoke earlier than usual to see that Copeland hasn't stirred yet. Poor thing, she hasn't eaten in hours and I have no money to feed her. I pick her up and start walking to an alleyway that is home to 10's of people, all scrubby and dirty. This is the only option; I have to feed her.

I noticed a man in around his late 30's eying me up. He edged closer to me, once we were standing directly opposite eachother, he reach out his dirty hand as he stroked my hair before walking behind me as he smelling it.

"How much do you charge?"

I looked at him unable to form words, I feel embarrassed, filthy and like a whore. "E-excuse me for a minute."

I saw a lady in wearing a tattered red dress and dirty blond hair leaning against a wall, biting her nails. "What do you want?" Her voice laces with fatigue.

"Can you hold her please, just for a bit?"

"Of course, why." She asked taking Copeland from my arms.

"I have no money to feed her and this is the only way." I started honestly.

"Sure, she's beautiful."

"Thanks, I better go to him, I'll be back in 20 minuets." The lady nodded as I kissed Copeland on her forehead whispering, "I love you."

I was about to walk when the lady grabbed my arm swinging me around. "Hey how much do you need?"

"That's kind of you but I can't just take your money." I knew she could see the hurt in my eyes.

"Please take it." She handed me a £5 note and £2 in change. "It's all I have but I can see that you need it more."

I hugged her quickly before pulling away and taking Copeland back in my arms. "Thank you, so much."

"It's the least I can do. Now go and feed that ray of sunshine."

"I will. Oh, and one last thing." I removed my wedding ring and placed it in the palm of her hand. "Here, I want you to have this. Maybe you could pawn it."

The lady looked down, an expression of gratitude written from ear to ear. "Thank you."

"I'm sorry but I didn't catch your name." I spoke as she looked up.

"It's Sierra."

"I'm Kellin." I shook her hand saying one final, "Make sure you eat today."

She smiled at me as tears filled her brown eyes. "Thank you, Kellin."

"No thank you, Sierra." That was the last thing I said to her as I walked off through the ally.

A hand grabbed me spinning me to face them. It was the same man from before. "Where the fuck are you going?" He shouted locking eyes with me.

"I'm going to feed my baby." I say back defensively and jerk my arm away from him before continuing to walk to the nearest local supermarket. By this time Copeland has woken up.

Once in the supermarket I found the aisle where they sell bottles and baby milk. I paid for them and walked out to sit on a nearby bench outside the shop.

Copeland looked up at me with those gorgeous blue eyes of hers as I pushed the teat into her mouth. She quietly suckled on it as I hold her close to me. She giggled as I pulled silly faces at her just for her amusement.

Once she was finished I stood up and walked to the nearest phone booth, dialing the number I had written on my hand just incase of emergencies.

Pressing the phone up against my ear with one hand and Copeland contently resting in the other. They picked up and answered.

"Hey Kells, you alright?" They answered.

"Sorta, listen are you free?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I need you to pick us up." Came my voice

"What happened?" The voice replied.

"Katelynne kicked out me and Copeland, please hurry."

"I'm on my way." The call ended.

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