The Pact

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Happy belated 70th Birthday to Queen Meryl Streep!!! This one-shot is based on when Cher and Meryl first fell in love which brought to life the story ICONIC LOVE. Enjoy!!!

September 5 1982

Cher had just gotten a call to star in a movie just after debuting on Broadway. To say she was nervous was an understatement, her first movie. Cher was just coming out of a breakup and was having a lot of doubts about herself and her sexually right then so work would do her some good. When she received the script, a lot of the characters traits fitted the way she was feeling at the moment. She got scared and nervous, her character was a lesbian woman. Could've be possible she was a lesbian? At the times she was leaving it was impossible to be one. Cher shook that thought out of her head and concentrated on her work. Of course she was a nervous wreck, her first movie was alongside Meryl Streep. Cher had always admired Meryl's work and it was scary to work with her.

The moment Cher walked into the set Meryl was ecstatic. She found really sweet how shy Cher looked when stepping at the door. Meryl slowly approached her and wrapped her arm around her shoulder.

"I'm so glad you're here" Meryl said to her. Cher was mesmerized by her instantly. Her beauty and kindness brought butterflies to Cher's stomach. She felt warm all over and it was amazing. That's when she knew and it scared the hell out of her. Meryl was so accepting and welcoming. They instantly felt connected and began to talk.

Cher was smart so she knew better than to be too forward. Besides, Meryl was married and had a little boy. Though that didn't stop her from getting to know her. Cher didn't know yet what she felt towards Meryl but it was indeed something. The more they talked, the more Meryl was charmed by her. Que found her funny, energetic, really sweet and really open. Meryl liked that a lot and she felt comfortable around Cher. She was  a good listener and an open book.

After more time passed, the more Meryl wanted to spend time with Cher. She was beginning to have certain feeling that confused her. At the same time, Meryl was kind of suspicious of what those feeling were. Meryl didn't want to accept it and she was scared. Not only it was impossible to come out in these days. She was happily married and had a wonderful child. Meryl didn't know what to do because Don wasn't with her on set. All sorts of questions went through her mind but didn't know how to manage them. The thing was that every time she spent with Cher it felt good. She felt incredible by her side, she felt special.

After the first month, their feelings for each other only grew. Both women also began getting even closer as they got to know each other. Cher didn't know what Meryl felt and she was scared to make a move or even ask. Not only because it could be the wrong move but because Meryl was married. On the other hand, Meryl was starting to realize she was falling for Cher. This terrified her because it was impossible that she could be feeling this way for a woman. After a while, one day Don came to visit and Meryl asked Cher to look after Henry so they could go out. This broke Cher's heart but she didn't have the right to say anything since Meryl didn't know about her feelings towards her.

Meryl and Don had a wonderful evening together, they talked, laughed and had an amazing time. Meryl felt guilty because at some point she started thinking about Cher. Don thought she wanted to know how Henry was but Meryl only wanted to hear Cher's voice. He convinced her not to call Cher and Meryl agreed. She thought it was crazy and nonsense that she was falling for Cher. They went back to Don's hotel and spent the night together. With her husband already asleep, Meryl lied naked in his arms but crying without him noticing. That night she felt terrible for having sex with Don. She didn't feel anything for her husband but she did think about Cher the whole time. That is when she knew the situation was real and her feelings had blossomed.

For two whole weeks Cher noticed Meryl acting strange and a bit distant. She thought if she did something wrong. It hurt to not have Meryl around as much even if Cher was afraid to tell her about her feelings. One afternoon she couldn't take it anymore and decided it was time to tell Meryl the truth. Cher walked to Meryl's trailer and knocked on the door. Three minutes passed until the door finally opened.

"Come in" Meryl sniffing and turning around

"Hey Meryl, can we talk?" Cher asked

"Sure" Meryl responded and invited her to sit which they both did.

Cher noticed Meryl had puffy red eyes  and got worried "Are you ok?" She carefully asked.

Meryl's heart skipped a beat and her sparkly eyes looked at Cher and back down again "Yeah, I'm fine. Everything is fine"

Cher felt a little uneasy seeing Meryl, something was up even is she was in denial "If you don't feel like talking, I can come back later-" before she could even finish the sentence, Meryl jumped on her and kissed her on the lips. Cher was taken by surprise but when she realized what was happening, she kissed back. The kiss felt like an explosion in their whole system. Meryl's mind went haywire in an instant, Cher's lips where so soft and firm.

A few minutes, they parted and locked eyes before smiling at each other "You feel the same way" they said in unison, that made them giggle.

Sitting crossed legged facing each other and holding hands, they smiled one more time but Cher noticed that Meryl was crying "Why are you crying? This is wonderful" she said

"What do you really feel about me Cher?" Meryl asked

"I love you Mary Louise" Cher answered honestly

Meryl had a surprised but scared expression on her face which confused Cher "I. I love you too" Meryl stuttered before crying even harder

Now Cher was really scared "If you love me, why are you crying?"

"Remember the night you looked after Henry so I could go out with Don?" Meryl said, Cher nodded "I just took the test, I'm pregnant" she said, Cher was shocked but still reacted and pulled Meryl into a hug as she cried.

"We can figure this out, we are going to figure this out together" Cher told her pulling away and wiping her tears.

"Do you really still want me?" Meryl asked

"Do you still want me?" Cher repeated

"Yes" Meryl answered

"Then yes, I'm not going to leave your side because of this. We can make it work" Cher said

"I have to talk to Don, I want to be honest with him. I won't leave my baby fatherless Cher. Things are going to get complicated if anything gets out" Meryl said

"Then we don't let anything about us get out, at least for now. Talk to Don and figure something out. He loves you, I'm sure he will understand our situation. I know things are not easy right now in the world but we can still be together in our own world. Please Meryl" Cher said

Meryl caressed and cupped Cher's face before leaning in to kiss her "Let's make a pact. We can make it, our love can make it. As long as we stay together, I believe in us"

"Deal. I believe in us as well, we can make it work as long as we stick together. I love you" Cher said

"As long as we stick together" they both said

"That's a pact, I love you" Meryl said and with one last kiss, a knock was heard on the door telling Meryl they were being called to the set so both women discreetly walked out together. They sure were about to face really tough times. As long as they relied on their love, together they would make their relationship work.

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Cheryl One shots (Cher and Meryl Streep 😍) Where stories live. Discover now