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It was hard to tell which one screamed the loudest, Cher and Meryl were just arriving home in the middle of an argument.

"I can't believe you would betray me like!!!" Meryl yelled walking into their bedroom and tossing away her purse.

"I'm sorry!!! I didn't mean it Meryl I swear!!!" Cher yelled back behind her

Meryl turned around and looked angry at her "After all that we did together, you went with her!!!" She exclaimed and walked away.

"Honey I love you, you know that" Cher said walking to her

"She's better than me, that's why you did it. Traitor!!!" Meryl said "I can't believe you"

Meryl was walking to the bed when Cher said "Ok that's enough" she walked to her, picking Meryl up bridal style and laid her on the bed. She got on top of her wife with a leg on each side of her waist and straddled her arms above her head.

"Get off me bitch" Meryl said letting out a giggle

"Are you gonna stop being mad at me??" Cher asked chuckling

"I don't know yet" Meryl smirked

Cher went down and kissed her wife on the lips deepening it as soon as she felt Meryl kiss her back, after they broke for air Cher said "What about now?" She said

Meryl groaned after the kiss "Maybe"

"Meryl it was just a karaoke sing off and you were singing with Georganne in the first and second round. I went with Pauly only twice and with you all the times after that. You know she is my best friend, you are my wife and you are an incredible singer too. It was my welcome party after the tour after all" Cher said

"But she had you all those months on your tour, I didn't so I have a right to get mad" Meryl whined then gave a small laugh

"I repeat and get this into your beautiful head, Pauly is my best friend. You are my wife and I love you with everything I have" Cher said

"You promise to go sing with me first next time?" Meryl said using her childish voice

Cher chuckled "I promise, now stop being so immature and let's go to the kitchen to bake some cookies" she said

"Oh like you're so mature, cookies?" Meryl said, Cher nodded and before she could move Meryl pressed their bodies together and they started kissing again.

Cher broke the kiss and got off Meryl "First one to to the kitchen gets to eat the dough off the bowl" she said

"You wouldn't dare?" Meryl said, Cher nodded and slowly back away

Without saying a word, they raced to the kitchen, laughing all the way there, the argument long forgotten.

Scared you with the title there, didn't I?? Sorry about that hahaha. I hope you liked it, don't forget to comment and vote!!! Xx

Cheryl One shots (Cher and Meryl Streep 😍) Where stories live. Discover now