Chapter 24: Filigree Gate

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There was a stone filigree gate that grew out of the ground as soon as we passed a small stone building.

I tried the gate, but it remained shut. There was no way to get around it. Whenever I touched it, my fingers tingled and stung.

"What is this?" I cried out. "We're so close," I pointed to the Roc in the not-so-distant distance.

"There has to be a way," Cogaje looked around.

"Kulbiwahd always used silver swear to open the sand doors," I said, "So maybe it's something like that."

"Do you have silver sweat?" Cogaje grinned, "Because I sure don't."

"I was just saying." My ears and cheeks felt hot.

"I know, I know, just teasing," he said. His expression turned serious again in the next moment.

"Look," I said, pointing at the gate. "Something's changing about it."

The gate was crumbling, shifting shape. The filigree melted and redesigned itself. The gate creaked open.

"What just happened?" I said.

"I don't know, but we better get moving before something else happens," Cogaje said. He looked through the gate first, then stuck his head in. "I think it's safe to go through," he said. The rest of his body followed his head.

"Are you sure?" I called out.

"Of course, I'm fine. Go through, quickly." Cogaje pointed at the gate. It was shifting shape again.

I ran through, my leather bag bouncing off my back as I moved.

Several feet away from me was the Roc. It stood like a skull atop a body of sand. Hot desert flooded all around us.

The cold tightened around my chest and neck.

"We're finally here," I said.

Cogaje nodded. "You still have Kulbiwahd's goblet and bag, right?"

"Of course," I nodded, tightening my grip around the two objects in my hand.

"And you have your blood and Shards?"

"Sahria's too," I said, my eyes misting. I blinked several times until my vision cleared itself.

"Don't worry," Cogaje said softly, "You'll get her back soon."

"I just wonder how we're going to get to the Realm of Mote with no guide," I said.

"Did you forget what Kulbiwahd said? If we do this for the gods and goddesses, they'll reward us. I'm sure they'll take us to the Realm."

"I hope so," I said, "Otherwise this whole journey will be for nothing."

"It won't be," Cogaje said, "It can't be."

The Lizsard Prince rummaged through his bag, pulling out a goblet.

"Your family's blood and Shards?" I asked.

He nodded.

I pulled out my two goblets from my bag.

"So now we have the blood and Shards from all races," Cogaje said.

"And of the deities," I added.

Cogaje stepped forward to the Roc, its shiny surface reflecting him in a distorted way. He fingered the cracks in the Roc's surface, deep grooves like bisected veins.

"So what now?" I said, "We pour everything in at once?" My neck tingled, the jaw loosening.

Cogaje thought for a moment. "How about we pour everything into one goblet, and then Seal the cracks."

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