Chapter 6: Sahria

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Farsooth and I hurried out of the cave, using the darkness as cover and old stone staircases to get past the guards.

Farsooth held a bony finger to his grinning teeth, warning me to be quiet. He led me out of the cave area and along a stream that wrapped around the Lizsard Palace like a spiral, with the Palace being the central point. In one of the Palace Gardens was a fountain shaped like an arch, the water cascading down like a gossamer curtain.

"Here it is," Farsooth said.

"And there they are," I added, pointing to three figures huddled near the Fountain.

"That's Nexor and Cogaje, but I can't make out the third one."

"I think I know who it is," I grinned, "It's Sahria!" I broke into a run, laughing as I headed straight for my friend.

I heard Farsooth running behind me, joints creaking.

Sahria saw me and her face broke out into a bright smile.

"Mistlyn!" she cried out, running to me and throwing her arms around me. "I've missed you so much!"

I laughed, hugging her back. "I've missed you too! It's been so long!" She squeezed me tight and I felt like I never wanted to let her go. For a few moments, we bounced up and down, laughing and still hugging. Sahria even cried, as pulled away from me, then grabbed me again to give me another tight squeeze.

One of the Princes came to us. "Keep your voices down," he said. "I don't want anyone hearing you two."

Sahria turned around, her arms still around me. "This is Prince Cogaje," she said. The Lizsard Prince bowed his head to me, his armor clanking, long hair made of feathers cascading down the sides of his face. He looked surprisingly pleasant, his red, scaly lips turned up in a smile. "Mistlyn," he said, extending his right index finger.

I looked at it, unsure of what to do.

Sahria laughed and grabbed the Prince's finger with her own, wrapping it around his. "It's like a handshake," she said, "But with one finger."

"A fingershake?" I said.

The Prince laughed. "Yes," he said, offering me his finger once again.

I wrapped my finger around his tan-scaled one. "Good to finally meet you, Mistlyn," he smiled, "The Cosmos knows I've heard enough about you already from Sahria." Prince Cogaje looked at me for another moment before looking away. His face turned red.

"I've missed you, that's all," my friend shrugged, still smiling. "And now we're together again!" She threw her arms around my neck again, making me nearly lose my balance. I laughed as I hugged her back.

The second Prince came up to me, bowing his head and extending his finger. "I am Prince Nexor," he said.

"Mistlyn," I said, taking his finger.

"And now that everyone knows everyone else is fine like a twine, how about we move someplace a little more shaded, you know, someplace less noticeable," Farsooth said. He stroked the back of his skull with a bony palm.

"Oh," Sahria said, picking up a bundle from the ledge of the Fountain. "I brought you some food. Well, actually, it was Nexor's idea, but here you go." Sahria gave me the bundle, the savory smell of spices and good food wafting into my nostrils. My mouth watered.

"Thank you," I said to Nexor.

He gave me a shy nod. "I have my theories about how much Humans need to suffer for the Smoke. And I don't think it's much."

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