Chapter 11: Blood and Shards

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"Farsooth!" I cried out. "What are you doing here?"

"Mistlyn," the Skeleton said, standing up. He eyed Dinjn suspiciously. "Cogaje," he nodded.

The Prince nodded back, arms crossed. "What are you doing in here, Farsooth?" he said.

"Not much," the Skeleton said with shifty eyes.

"No one ever goes in here," Cogaje said. "So why are you in here?"

"No reason. I was just taking a walk and wanted a break, so I went in here."

The Lizsard Prince said nothing, but eyed up Farsooth. "Please leave," he finally said. "We have things to discuss."

"Will do," Farsooth said, leaving the Shack.

"Don't get yourself into problems," he whispered to me as he passed me by. "Dinjn is a trickster."

The Skeleton left the Shack, its wooden door slamming shut on creaky hinges.

"Now," the Jinn said, taking a seat on a wooden bench, "You wanted to speak to me, Prince?"

"I did. But first, figure out your business with Mistlyn first."

"I will, once you leave," the Jinn said.

"No," I said, "Prince Cogaje stays here. He's a part of this."

"Fine," the Jinn sighed, "The Prince stays." He scowled at Cogaje, but neither one said anything.

"What's your plan?" I said to ease the tension, "You said you were going to help Sahria and I escape to a human village."

"I did, didn't I?" Dinjn smiled, "And I will. I will take you and your friend to a human village, and rid you of this place."

"And you're planning on doing that how?" Cogaje said.

"By taking her away. I know a few places here and there, and I think she'd be good there. We'll see which one her and her friend prefer."

"What are the names of these villages?"

"They're just human villages, nothing special. I don't know their names, but I know where they are."

"And why are you so keen on helping her?"

The Jinn shrugged. "Because I don't like seeing anyone mistreated."

"She's being treated just fine," the Lizsard Prince said.

"Fine?" scoffed Dinjn. "She was locked in a cave to sit on Eggs, and now she has a necklace that has its claws in her neck. I don't think that's fine, do you?"

"Ok, ok, you have a point," Cogaje said, "But still, why help her?"

"Like I said, I don't want to see anyone suffer."

"So what, you're just going to take her on a horse and lead her to some village?"

"That's the plan. Of course, I'll have to go to Jinn territory first, to pick up a few things, before I take anyone to the human village."

"You could've done that before you came here," I said. "Or do that before you take Sahria and me."

"I could, but I'm feeling lazy to go to the Jinn Kingdom, and then come back here, and then take you to a human village. It's a lot of traveling, you know, and since I'm here already, might as well take advantage of that, don't you think?"

"And you promise you'll take Sahria and me to a human village?"

"I promise." The Jinn placed his hand over his heart. "And now, Prince," he turned to Cogaje, "what is it that I can do for you?"

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