Chapter 4: Dinjn's Back

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I couldn't sleep. Even Farsooth's blanket wasn't enough to keep the cold out of my bones. Huddled in the nest, the Eggs getting warmer, I listened intently to the sounds that seemed to come from inside the cave wall nearest the nest.

There was a cracking and a whirring, like something burrowing through the cave rock and splitting it. It sounded like a huge worm was in the middle of the cave's stone.

The Eggs under me hummed. As the cave wall sounds grew louder, the Eggs hummed faster.

A shadow forced itself from the cave wall, followed by a second and a third shadow.

Dinjn stood in front of me now, a smile on his face.

"I'm back," he grinned. Flesh materialized on his two shadow friends and they bowed their heads to me.

"I've brought Majnoon and Junoon with me," Dinjn said.

"You came out of the wall," I said.

"That we did," Dinjn said. "We had to come in like that so our shadows could burrow through the rock. There are many guards and torches outside the cave tonight, and our shadows would've been seen."

"Why are you here? I mean, really?"

Dinjn looked confused. "To save you, of course."

"But why? And how did you know I was here anyway? You just showed up the other day, just like that." I pulled myself more into the center of the nest, away from the Jinns.

"No need to be afraid," one of them said.

"I didn't until about three days ago," Dinjn answered, stepping closer to the nest. "When I heard word that a poor human girl was sitting on two Eggs, I decided to save you. The Hardones have kidnapped too many young humans over the centuries." Dinjn shook his head. He looked like he was faking a pout.

"Did you ever save the other kidnapped humans?" I burrowed deeper into the nest.

Dinjn shook his head. "I've tried. But this time, I have a new plan. And I promise you that I won't fail you."

Majnoon and Junoon nodded solemnly with Dinjn.

"I have a friend," I began.

Dinjn held up his hand. "I know about your friend. Sahria is her name, no?"

I nodded.

"We will save her too." He had the start of a smirk growing on his lips, a twitch in the eye. "The only problem is that Rexon's son Nexor is always around her. If we can separate them, I can take her, too. Otherwise, I will take you alone."

"I won't go without my friend," I said adamantly, sitting up in the nest. The Eggs were still humming.

"Fine, fine, Sahria will come along." Dinjn pointed to the Eggs. "They sound about ready to hatch."

"Sahria," I began.

Don't worry, Mistlyn," he held his palm up. "We'll get her."

Dinji stood up and paced around the nest, making me dizzy. The Eggs hummed louder now.

"Why would you want to help me?" I said after some minutes of watching Majonn and Junoon watch Dinjn pace.

"Why wouldn't I?" Dinjn said.

I shrugged. "Doesn't make sense to me. what do you want from me in return?"

"Ah," he smiled, raising up his right index finger. "What do I want. That's a good question. I want many things. But from you, I want your help."

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