Chapter 8: Prince Cogaje wants to talk

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Sahria went back to sleep after her long night of dancing. Writing a quick note on a scrap of paper, the same kind she used to send me notes, I told her I was going to look around the Palace.

Stealing out of the room, I meandered down hallways, taking note of which way I went so I'd be able to find my way back to Sahria's room. I had Dinjn's envelope with me.

"Where are you off to?" a voice said behind me.

I wheeled around, my heart thumping. Prince Cogaje was walking down the hallway towards me, a slight smile playing on the corners of his lips.

"Nowhere, just walking around," I lied.

"Let me show you around. You've never seen the Palace."

"I just want to walk around on my own for a while," I said, taking a step back.

Cogaje shrugged. "If that's what you want." He walked off, a slight scowl on his face.

"On second thought," I called out, biting on my lip for a moment, "Maybe you can show me around. I can walk around alone later." Better to not make him dislike me so soon.

He turned around, the scowl gone. "Come on," he said.

We went down the hallway, taking a few turns until we got outside.

"I didn't want to just show you around," Cogaje said, "I actually want to talk to you about something."

"Talk to me about what?"

He lowered his head, his voice low, "About Dinjn."

My jaws clenched, wondering if my escape idea had been found out.

"What about Dinjn?"

"He's a Jinn you met in the cave, when you were in the nest, right?"

I nodded. "How did you know?"

"A guard told me. He said he heard Dinjn talking to you before you came to the Palace. Good thing I got his message before he told father."

I swallowed the lump in my throat, but nodded. "What do you want to talk about then?"

Cogaje gestured for me to follow him to a quiet area. There was no one around, not even a gardener. "It's really important," he said.

We found a tree with an indented trunk to lean against. "Dinjn said he was going to help you escape, right?"

"Sort of," I said.

"Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. You see, Jinns are special."


Cogaje nodded. "They have easy access to the Realm of Mote. Well, not easy, but easier than most Races."

"Yasmeenya told me about that place yesterday," I said.

"She did? When?"

"We were opening the gifts and just talking."

Prince Cogaje gave me a look but went on. "And so you know that the Realm of Mote has all the souls of the dead there."

I nodded when he looked at me for my answer. I couldn't find my voice for a moment, and my chest felt tight. "Are you going to hand me over to the King?" I squeaked.

"Hand you over?" Cogaje's eyebrows furrowed. "Why would I do that?"

"Because I'm your prisoner. And I want to escape."

Cogaje gave me a half-smile. "I honestly don't think it's fair to keep prisoners, and that's something I want to change when I become King. I won't hand you over Mistlyn." His eyes held a soft look, softer than any I'd seen in the Lizsards so far. Except maybe the Queen. "Unless, of course," he continued, "You don't take me up on my offer. Then something will have to be done, won't it?"

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