chapter 34 the future part 1

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A better life

Chapter 24

Emma pov

I watch as I slowly flow up

Out my body into the sky

But why?


Am I dead?

Did it really work?

Did I really kill myself?

I look down at my body

Wow that sounds weird

I sigh

Am I really dead?

“That’s up to you sister”

I jump at the sound of the voice

Wait I know that voice form anywhere

My brother


If you’re confused

He died 3 years ago

He was in the army and got killed

It’s a long upsetting story I will share with you another day

I turn around to see my big brother

The one I have not seen in years standing there arms wide open for a hug

I ran into his arms

He picks me up and spins me around

“karl I have missed you so much!” I say in tears

Tears of joy that I finally get to see my big brother again

But tears of sadness as well I’m actually dead

“But sister that’s what I am here for”

“What?” I ask him confused out my mine

“You are not dead yet I am here to make sure you chose the right path”

“What paths?” I ask still confused

“Whether you chose to live or die”

Maybe it’s worth listening to him


“Like this” he says before clicking his fingers

Then all of a sudden we go forward in time

I look around

Wondering why he brought me here and where here actually is

“Emma this is 5 years in the future if you did die just watch”

I nod and look in front of me

We are in a bathroom

The bathroom I once tried to kill myself in

On the floor is dad



With a blade in his hand

Oh no he didn’t

I look at his arms



Of cuts and scars

Yep he did

I stare in shock as he makes more and more cuts into his arms

“Shocking isn’t it” Karl says

I nod still watching him

I watch for a few more seconds

Then look my brother

“Why? Why? Is he like that?”

“after you died he took it the worst blaming his self for everything  soon after you died he got depression and has been cutting like this every day for years”

I stand there in shock

Dad would do that if I die?

“Emma I have two more time to show you”

I nod and watch as we go forward in time again

“This time we are ten years forward in time if you died”

I nod and look around

I wonder what this one will be like?


guess i'm so sorry i have not posted in 2 weeks but i have been so funny 

enjoy this chapter there will be another one soon 

-Sophie x

A better life (R5 fan fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin