chapter 5 i see the light

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A better life

Chapter 5


“right Aj your also a trained first aider we need to keep doing CPR until the ambulance gets here I doing breath you do compressions ok?”


Let’s just hope this works

Emma can’t die I love her

End of recap:


Reece POV

We carry on doing the CPR until the ambulance got here

“You can stop now son” a paramedic said

I nod and stop

Then they sort her out as I get questioned

“Son do you know what happened?” he asked me

“I think she tried doing suicide there was pills packets over the side”

  I show him the packets   

His eyes widen

He takes them and leaves by this time

Everyone was here

Ross and larua

Riker and rose


Ratliff has got all the kids over at his house

Everyone was out side

I’m still in her bedroom

I walk over to her desk

There was a piece of paper there

I pick it up and read it

It says this:

Dear who ever find this?

To dad I love you so much thank you for adopting me that day it meant a lot

Take care of mum and my brothers and sisters for me this is not your fault I just hate my life and I’m not worth living for thanks for everything you done for me your my hero my inspiration you cam me the best time I could of asked for but now my time is over love you so much dad never forget it. To mum I love you so much I know you’re not my real mum but I wish you was from the first time I met you I loved you, you treated me like your daughter even though I’m not your real daughter take care of dad for me thank you so much for the time you came me all the love and everything, to Riley and Emily I love you guys so much you know why I did this you know who it was about. Do one thing and forget about me, follow your dreams and ever look back love uses so much. Thank you for all the good times we had together the sleep overs, going to the mall together remember the good times not the bad. To Reece I love you so much I have known you seen I was 6 years old you’re like a brother to me I know you have feelings for me but get over and forget about I’m not worth it so please go and find a girl who is worth you because I am not that girl and I do have feelings for you see you on the other side bro I love you.  Well it is my time to go

Love you all so much

Bye for now until it’s your turn to join me

By the end of it I was crying

She has feelings for me!

What does it matter anyway she’s properly dead right now

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