chapter 10 the truth is revealed

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a better life

chapter 10

Reece POV

o have a bad feeling in my stomach

I don't know what it is

I shrug it off

as I get to the park I look around

to see if I could find Emma

she tested me aging she was here.

all of a sudden I see two men all dressed in black putting her in a blacked carry with blacked out windows

I get my phone out my pocket and take a picture of the number plate as the car speeds away

my eyes widen Emma was just kidnapped

I run out the way all the way to her house and bang on the door

Riker POV

ah peace at last

after trying to kid all the kids asleep for 20 minutes they were down asleep

all of a sudden there was loud banging on the door

then 4 screams shouting "DADDY"

I sign

great all that work for nothing

"you do to the door I do the kids" rose said kissing my check 

I nod and walk down stairs

i go to the door open it ready to give who ever is at the door a shouting for waking my kids

but it was Reece

panting crying and god knows what does

I take him in  set him on the coach and get him a glass of water

he  drinks the water and calm down

"why. are you so worked up Reece? what has happened?" I say

"e-emma" he stutters

"what about Emma?" I saw worrying about what he is not going to say next

by this time rose was with us

she was just as scared as I was

"s-he s-he was k-id-napped"  he say crying again

"Emma was kidnapped!?" u say sounding more like a question than a statement

he nods and puts his head in his hands

Emma was taken

Emma was kidnapped

my daughter was kidnapped

my daughter was taken from me

then I just break down right there

Emma POV

its been 4 days seen I was taken

I have not had food on 4 days and not have water for  1

I'm locked in a small basement

there's one window but it was metal things on it stopping me from getting. out

I have one small blanket and pillow

I have been beaten

I have been raped twice

I'm dying inside and out

I have cuts and braises all over

I have been sexuelly abused

as I hear foot steps  i

the two men come in

one with a baseball bat

he's the one who beats me and the other guy rapes me

sometimes I'm lucky and only get beaten once a day

but yesterday they beat me until I pasted out

"let's have some fun time". guys two says

he means rape me

I shake my head

he laughs

" who are you?" I say

they look at each other and nod

they look back at me and take there masts off to reveal them

I gasp

they are...


another chapter for you

who do you think Emma's kidnappers are?

comment on what cha thing






_Sophie x

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