chapter 11 safe and sound?

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A better life

Chapter 11

Riker POV

It’s been 4 days seen Emma went missing or kidnapped I should say

Reece was smart to get the number plate of the car that took Emma

They found the car on the side of the road a few hours after Emma was took

Every time the phone goes I run to it hoping and praying it’s the police saying they have found Emma but that has not been the case so far

But I’m not giving up hope

I can’t

I won’t

I know she is still alive

She is strong

It’s just how much longer wills she been alive for

Emma POV

They look back at me and take their masts off to reveal them

I gasp

They are...

Norman and Dave

My old foster dads







Are the questions runny around inside my head?

“Why?” I choke out through crying

“We never finished what we started” Norman shrugged

Norman is the one that has been raping me

And Dave is the one that has beating me

They walk closer to beat and kick me in my side

They hit me


And lots more things until I passed out


I open my eyes expecting to be in the same room I have to be for the last 4 days

But I’m not

I moved my head the best I could

I’m in a hospital room

They found me

 Both of my arms are in bandage  

My head feels really heavy

My sides feel like I don’t know they just really hurt

Basally I feel like shit

There is one thing I want and that’s my daddy

I want him

I need him

I love him

“Oh Emma I see your awake” a voice says

A rose I know and love

My mum

“Hey mum” I say

She smiles at me and comes and sits on the chair by my bed

“Hey daring how you feeling?” she asks me

“horrible my. side really hurts” I say tears running down my face

"ah that's because you broke your rib but its mostly better now seen you were in a coma for about a month"

"I was in a coma" I ask shocked

"yeah sweetie you are very lucky to be alive the doctors wanted to pull the plug on you but didn't because your my daughter when you was kidnapped you were nearly dead when we got to you do you want me to get you some pain mescaline"

I nod

she comes back k gives me the pain thing

“Where’s daddy?” I ask her

“He’s with your brothers and sisters he’s getting them from school dropping them off at Uncle Ross’s house then coming here” 

I guess they start school went I was in the coma

at least I'm awake Now

I'm going to be fine

little did I know I was not going to fine that this was just the beginning of my suffering...


what do you think?

I will update tomorrow

I'm going to try to update once a day until I go back to school

I'm going in to my GCSEs now






1+ comment to update

-Sophie Xx

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