chapter 13 going back

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A better life

Chapter 13

Riker POV

It's been a week seen Emma woke up from the coma

She came home a few days ago

She's jumps at one little noise

She wakes up screaming in the middle of the night

She's. Going crazy

We are still looking in to the hospital at the minute

We have asked to get her a place but so far she has been turned down

They say she's not bad enough to have a place in there which is a good thing but we are worried she is going to try killing herself again

I sign

Rose is at work

I'm with Ryland and Ross

If you're confused why Ryland is here and not New York

He was going staying there while the babies were born

Kate had to go there because her man passed away then the babies were born early so they had to stay in hospital but now there out of hospital

Ryland and Kate moved back down here

Anyway the kids are at school

And Emma is asleep in her room

Emma POV

(A/n strong senses ahead please DO NOT read if under 13)

"NO PLEASE!! STOP PLEASES NO!!" I wake myself up my me shouting that in my sleep

I have another nightmare

The pain is back

I can't get it to go away

I need to do something about it

I grab my crush and hop into the bathroom

Where I broke my rib I can't walk so I have to use my crush to help me walk

I grab my blazes from the hiding place I keep them in

After dad found out I cut he searched my bathroom u till he found the blazes and took them away but there was more so I keep hidden under the bath

I sit on the chair

Place the blaze in my left hand

Hold my right arm out

I place the blaze against my skin and press down


My blood comes out around the sides

I glide the blaze across my arm

Then I do it again and again.

I stop when I have 10 new fresh cuts on that arm then I do the same. Thing on my other arm

You think it would hurt

But it don't it takes the pain away

Makes me relaxed

Makes me feel better

But this time it didn't

I still feel the pain there. But not as much as before

I wash the blood of my arm and put the blazes away back under the bath

I run myself a bath then jump in

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