Chapter 19

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A better life 

chapter 19


now going  up the final ramp 

as she comes up her back wheels get caught on the metal rail causing emma to go flying off the board hitting the the floor really hard 

everyone waits for her to get up 

but that doesn't happened 

everyone rushs over to her side as other go for help 

Karl POV 

i watch in azament as emma comes up drops down the 6 foot ramp going up to the small ramp

getting air

too much air 

this trick is starting to go wrong 

she has got too much  air 

once she landed 

she loses balance a bit

as she starts going up the last ramp her back wheeels get caught on the metal rail causing emma to go flying off the board hitting the the floor really hard 

i wait a few seconds to see if she gets up

but she dont 

i send megan, dave , reece and katie to get help

i run over to her 

being the first to get there 

she is breathing but knocked out                                                                                                              

also her right arm is bend the wrong way

so thats broken

"what? what happened?"

i look down to see a confused Emma 

"your awake!" i shout

ok if you haven't guessed i like Emma 


"are you ok?!?!" i ask emma worried 

"apart from a shooting pain down my  right arm" she says sitting up supporting her right arm 

"right lets get you to the main building" i say helping her up 

we walk back to the buiilding and down to first aid 

there im send away as they take emma to have her arm fits

Emma POV 

as im taken away to the hospital 

they ask me questions on how it happned 

"Emma how did thid happen?" my nurse sophie asks 

"i was riding  my skateboard up a ramp and the back wheels got caught on the metal rail  causing me to fly off" i say 

she nods and writes it all down in a book

"what was the last thing you remembered?"

"ugg...droping into the 6 foot then waking up on the floor" i say 

she writes it down 

"so you got knocked out?" she asks 

"yeah karl told me i was out for a few mintues" 

she writes it down 

then we are at the hospital 

they x-ray my arm, scan hy head and scan me 

i guess its becuase i have been in a lot of comas 

im now sitting on my hospital  bed waiting for results from some tests

dad is with be now

my arm is now in a purple cast 

Riker POV (going back earier)

emma has been in rehab for like 2 weeks now 

she is doing great now 

she might be able to come on in a week or so

i was called saying she cut herself again but only that once

me and Rose go to see her every sunday 

the kids are at school 

rose is at work 

now is the perfect time to do what i need to do

do what i should of done a look time agon

Drop tops, sitting next to Cee-Lo

Pacific coast highway

This happens every day

And our song is playing on the radio

Like 20 times a day

Man this is so cray-zay

oh my phone 

i take it out my pocket 

press answer and put it to my ear 

"hello?" i say 

"hello is this the hositpal im  doctoer jason i belive you are the father of Emma star Lynch" the person on the phone says


why are they calling me?

shit is emma ok?

"yea that is correct" i say

worried about what is coming next 

"well emma has had a bad full and has broke her right arm in 2 places also we have done some tests and has the results can you please come to the hospital"  

by the time he said bad fullb was in my car and on my way to the hospital

"ok im on  my way" i say then hang up

once i get to the hospital 

the docter is waiting for mme

he takes me  to her room but i have to wait outside because she is having her cast put on

i text rose

to rose

hey babe emma has broke her arm but she is fine love you so much xxx

from Riker

after i send the text im aloud to go in emma's room

once ki go i hug emma

we talk for a while unti the docter comes back in

"emma is free to go after i tell yuo the results of the test"

i nod telling the docter to carry on

"well it seems that emma has STCS which stands for sensitive to coma symdrome"

"ok well what does it mean?"

"well it means that emma can go into comas more earier than other people but wake up from them earier" emma is free to go now"

i nod and she gets up

once we get out we meet upp with sophie again

we say goodbye then i go back to what i was doing before


another chapter for ya

what did you think?

what do you think riker is up to?

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love you all xx

-Sophie X 

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