chapter 28

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A better life

Chapter 28

Emma POV

I open my eyes to darkness

I move my head the best I can to see where I am

It’s not very far

I look down

I’M NOT touching the floor

How does that work?



I’m chained to the wall

But why?

I think back as far as I can

But there is no memories of what happened and how I got here

Ugh I’m so confused

Man my arms and legs are aching bad

 Well that’s understandable because I am chained to a wall

Wait if I am chained to a wall why am I not trying to get help


I hear a chuckle coming from the door way

I look over at the door to see who kidnapped me

I see two people there

Two people I through never in a million yeast would kidnap me and hurt me

They were my dad and my boyfriend!

Like what the hell

What have I never done to them?

Tears roll down my face

“Save the waterworks slut” dad says while rolling his eyes and walking over to me

My own dad just called me a slut?

Like what the fuck?!?!

I am snapped out my through by getting a shooting pain go through my left cheek

I look up to see my boyfriend holding up his hand like he was going to hit me again

Wow some great boyfriend he is

For the next hour

I get hit


Through against walls and more

Then Riker walks out

No I won’t call him my dad anymore after what he has done

Reece doesn’t go through

He smirks at me before having his lips onto mine

I don’t kiss back

This is not the Reece I start yes to

He pulls down my buttons

Oh no

He isn’t I he

Yet he is



My own boyfriend is gonna rape me

By this time I am fully UN dressed and so is he

He takes me to a bed

Trips my hand to the top of the bed and begins

I don’t do anything I just lay there not moving or anything

After 30 very long minutes of being rape by my boyfriend

 He hits me with a bat knocking me out and sending my world into darkness


A chapter for you

Sorry if it’s not the best I’m just really stressed out at the minute

So guys I have made another fan fiction

It’s called a silent adoption

It’s about R5

Silent adoption


My name is Riley I don’t have a last name I ever have not for 12 years, everyone things I am a normal 12 year old  but I’m not I live in a care home but that’s not it I am also deaf. I have never heard a sound in my life and ever will. My favourite band is R5 I might have never heard there music but I have seen them on TV and on YouTube. What happens one day when Stormie and mark lynch comes looking for a kid to adopt? Will she be picked or will she be pushed away…

So go and check it out

What did you think of the chapter?

-Sophie X

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