chapter 15

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A better life

Chapter 15

Emma pov

Today is my last day with my family for a month

That’s how long I have been told I’m in the hospital for but it could be more or less depend on how fast I get better

All the hate has stopped now

Where mini R5 has got more favours

So have I

My life is starting to get good again

But seen last week I have cut 3 more times

I know what you’re all thinking


Well I don’t know why

I can’t help it

It’s an urge

An urge I got to do

Whenever I see a blaze or a knife I feel like I need to pick it up and cut

I just can’t help it

Any way a lady called Sophie

She is my nurse

She came round to help me pack my bags

Mostly to make sure I don’t take any blazes with me to the hospital

But I did I got one packed

She’s middle aged

Brown hair

She’s is nice

What I have packed is


Toilets stuff

Laptop and phone 

IPod and earphones

My guitar

A note book and pen

A photo of me of the whole family

All my aunts and uncles with their love one and their children

Also one of mini R5 together

My skate board

Yes I can ride a skate board I can do lots of tricks


-The next day-

Riker POV

Today is the day Emma goes into the hospital or rehab which is the name proper name for it

We just told her it was a hospital which it is so we don’t scare her

Me and rose has looked into this a lot

We found out that there is

A basket, football and tennis areas

A library

A quite room

A skatepark 

Lots more things

So basally

Emma is going to be in a group which 5 other people around the same area of Emma who has been through the same as her

Her timetable for the day is this

8:30-wake up

9:00- breakfast (they can have breakfast in the hall or their rooms)

9:30 to 11:00- free time

11:00 to 12:00- theory

12:00 to 1:00- lunch

1:00 to 2:00- alone time (they would have to be in their rooms)

2:00 to 3:00- contact time (so they will be given their computers and phones)

3:00 to 4:30- free time

4:30 to 5:30- treatment 

5:30 to 6:30- dinner

6:30 to 8:30- group time

8:30- back to rooms

10:00- lights out

Any time during the day they can speck to their nurse if they need to

Hopefully  she will get better there

Emma's nurse Sophie is really nice

she came round the other day to help Emma pack

at least at this hospital she can talk to us

let's just hope she will get better

not just for me but for everyone

that's all I care about. right now

Emma getting better


another chapter for ya

sorry it long to post but I'm doing a lot of air cadet training in hope for moving to a better level

what did you think?






love you all xx

-Sophie X

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