But they opened only about ten seconds later as she felt a kiss on her forehead. "Edmund?"
She questioned, seeing the dark haired boy stand over her.

"Told you I would see you later."
He said smirking.
Abby sat up.
"I just changed into my pajamas."
Abby said laughing.

"Hang on let me change back into my-"
"No." Edmund said.
"What your wearing will work just fine." "But I look awful!"
"No. You look beautiful" Edmund said grabbing her hand and leading her out the door.

Edmund led Abby down to the beach and laid a blanket out right in front of the ocean just far enough where the waves didn't hit it.

Edmund sat down and motioned for her to sit next to him.

"Lie down" Edmund said.
Abby did and Edmund followed.
She looked up at the beautiful night sky.

"I've never seen stars so bright." Abby Exclaimed.
"I know. They are so much brighter here then back in home. And it seems like there are so many more."

Abby turned to her side and propped her head up on her arm.
"What do you mean back home?" Edmund looked at her in confusion. "Back in England where I'm from."

"But Edmund your home is here in Narnia."
"But I'm from England."
"Doesn't matter. That doesn't make it your home.
A home can be a person or a place. It can even be a whole other world. You can be from one world and have a home in a whole new world. And sometimes your lucky enough, if your the luckiest person ever, you make it into that world. You even get to rule that world.
You get to live there for years and years. In a whole new world. In your home."

Abby smiled and then it faded as tears appeared in her eyes.

"But sometimes you aren't so lucky. You have a home. A home in a whole different world. A world you spend every single day thinking about and dream of getting there. A world that holds your whole entire heart as well as the people in it.
But, you can't get there.
No matter how hard you try.
So, you are forced to live with this pain in your heart. An ache. That you will never get to go to your true home.
Or meet the people you truly love more than anyone in the world.
But it does help knowing they get to be there and they are happy.
Though you do get the privilege of knowing and loving it. You just, can't get there."

Edmund looked at Abby in shock, just now realizing how truly blessed he was.
"Oh Abby."
He said pulling her in for a hug.
He held her close and stroked her hair. She laid her head on his chest and let the tears flow.
"Shhhhh" Edmund said kissing the top of her head.

After a few minutes Abby stopped crying, but Edmund continued to hold her tightly.

"But you have made it home."
"Edmund said."
Abby looked up at him and smiled.
"Your right Ed. I'm here now and I'm going to take in every single second of it. I'm not going to miss a thing.
I'm going to cherish every second I get to spend here.
Because i have longed to be here for so long, and I finally am.

I truly cannot believe I am getting to spend time with you Edmund."
"Me?" Edmund asked.
You Know you have always been my favorite. Since the very beginning."
"Really?" Edmund asked.
"Yes really. It's you. It's always been you." Edmund smiled.

"Now I haven't known you for as long as it seems you have known me.
I mean it seems as though you know me better than I know myself.
What I do know is this. I like you Abby. A lot. And the time I have spent with you has been wonderful. 
I would love to get to know you better.
I would love to keep spending time with you, because I love the words you have to say. They are the most beautiful words I have ever heard. They hit me right in the heart.
Plus, you are absolutely gorgeous.
And your voice is like a song I have been waiting to listen to my whole life.
I think that you just might be my favorite too."

Abby had tears streaming down her cheeks now. She smiled as she let out a sob and wrapped her arms around his neck. And they sat there just holding each other, for about ten minutes until Edmund finally broke the silence.

"Listen, there is this ball tomorrow night. We have them about once a month for various reasons.
I was wondering if you would give me the honor of being my date?"
Abby looked into Edmunds eyes and smiled.
"I would love to." She said and smiled. "Great" he said.

"Oh" Edmund said.
"I did it" Abby smiled up at him.
"Did what?"
"Forgave myself."
He said smiling.
A big smile appeared on Abbys face.
" I knew you could."
Do you feel better?"
"I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders."
"I'm proud of you Ed." She said and kissed his cheek.
"Thank you Abby."
Edmund said and kissed her cheek.
And then they both slowly drifted off to sleep while looking at the stars.

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