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Chapter 41: Mia


"Alright. My wrist is throbbing so fucking back and look at this," Hoseok said, showing his tattoo off to Namjoon, the sun was, not only completely shown on his wrist, but it was also brighter than he's ever seen it.


"That's bad, that means he's in trouble and he needs help, we need to help him." Hoseok said, Namjoon sighed as he looked at his laptop. "All we can do is wait. It's not like we know exactly where he was last seen."

"He was last seen at the studio after our fight." Hoseok said, thinking back to when they both agreed to get their tattoos removed. "You have to go to the studio today anyway. Check for anything once the class is gone. Other than that? We can't do anything."

"Bullshit, you know cops here at their job, by the time they find Yoongi, it might be too late." Namjoon groaned as he shut his laptop turned to Hoseok. "We don't even know if he was kidnapped, for all we know, he could just be staying with a friend, maybe out of town."

"Jimin himself said he doesn't have many old friends in this area, and he would've told someone where he was going, angry at me or not." Hoseok said, growing angry at his friend's stupidity. "One more day."


"We'll Wait one more day...and if he doesn't at least give us a call. Then we'll start searching." Namjoon tried to reason. Hoseok shook his head. "No, fuck that, I'm starting the search now."

"I know you're worried, Hoseok, but so is everyone else and we're being calm about this. You going on a worldwide hunt for Yoongi isn't going to make any of this easier. You might just end up causing more trouble." Namjoon said, Hoseok sighed as he sat beside the taller.

"I just want to see him, and tell him sorry...for everything I've done...It'd be one thing for him to go missing after we had a date night or something. But he disappeared after we decided to break up. I never got a chance to talk everything over with him like I wanted to." Hoseok explained, Namjoon nodded but he didn't understand it as much as he wanted to.

In all the time he and Seokjin were together, they've fought less then ten—hell maybe even five— times. But that's also because they were paired correctly, unlike Hoseok and Yoongi. So he couldn't understand how they're still going for so long even after all this fighting and forgiving over and over again. It seemed tiring.

"I have to go. I'll see you later." Hoseok sighed, leaving to go to the dance studio. "Yeah, I'll let you know if we find out anything."


"Hoseok...are you okay?" Mayla asked after practice was over, everyone else except her and Minji leaving the studio. "You look really down, and you were hold your wrist a lot."

"I'm fine."

"Okay, so that's a lie." Minji mumbled, Mayla nodded, pouting as she looked at Hoseok's tattoo. "Is Yoongi okay?" She asked, Hoseok teared up at the thought, Minji gave his friend a worried look.

"I don't know where he is." He said, a stabbing pain shooting through his entire arm. "What do you mean, you don't know where he is?" Mayla asked, "You mean he's missing?"

"He left after we had an argument and he went missing. It's been two days." Hoseok explained, Minji's eyes widened, he was going to speak but Hoseok cut him off, "Don't worry, we're looking for him right now."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. Go home and rest, don't worry about us." Hoseok smiled, Mayla pouted as she looked at the older, wanting so badly to help him, but she sighed, lightly tugging on Minji's shirt to get him to follow her. "Okay, lets us know if you need anything."

"Thanks you two." Hoseok smiled, watching as the two left the studio, he was just about to grab his bag when he saw someone walking in.

"The hell do you want, Yuseon?"

"Dont kill me," Yuseon sighed, a little girl in his arms, no older than four years old. "I know you've probably already heard the story about the terrible ex, huh?" He asked, Hoseok only glared at him. "Okay. Probably not the time for that. Listen. I wanna help you find Yoongi."


"I don't know where he is, but I want to help. I just...I feel bad about everything and I want to help in anyway possible." Yuseon said, looking at the little girl and then to Hoseok. "I mean it."

"Huh, Okay. I guess you have no bad intentions." Hoseok mumbled, Yuseon sighed and rolled his eyes, "Yeah, I ran out of those a long time ago. Trust me."

"Ah, I also wanted to come here to show you this little girl." Yuseon smiled, Hoseok frowned as he looked at the girl, she had his nose and hazel eyes. "Who is she?" He asked, Yuseon raised an eyebrow.

"She's yours and Blair's daughter...isn't she?"

"Wha? I never had a kid with....what's her name?" Hoseok asked, Yuseon have him a confused look, "Mia, I think."

"Shit. But how....Where's Blair right now?" Hoseok asked, Yuseon shrugged as he grabbed his phone, a confused look still on his face. "I don't know, she had a miscarriage and was supposed to be in bed, but I visited her earlier and she wasn't there. Why?"

"Because...She's supposed to be dead." Hoseok said, Yuseon's eyes widened as he looked from him to Mia, "This little girl? Why?"

"She...this is fucking crazy."

"You can't say she isn't yours, she looks just like you." Yuseon said, poking Mia's nose and smiling as she giggled, "Yeah, I know that. Listen, long story short. She isn't supposed to be alive, I was supposed to have a kid in Highschool but...I was told she and her mom died while giving birth. So she shouldn't be here. Same name and everything."

"Well, What was the mom's name?" Yuseon asked, Mia was looking at Hoseok with wide eyes, wondering who he was and why he was here. "You won't believe this...but her name was Blair."

"Well, fuck. There you go, you just got lied to, is all." Yuseon said, Hoseok shook his head, "That Blair isn't my Blair. I went to her funeral." He said, looking at Mia, tears forming in his eyes, "But her sister told me she died too."

Yuseon let him hold her, he looked into her eyes and pushed the brown hair away from her face. "You wanna take care of her? Blair's basically abandoned her, that bitch."

"Weren't you like...friends with her?"

"Let's just say she crossed quite a few lines, I no longer want to be part of anything she does. Trust me." Hoseok nodded, looking at Mia once more before he shook his head. "I'm sorry, I can't care for her right now, with Yoongi missing and everything else. I can't. She reminds me a lot of her mother."

"Wait, so my Blair isn't your Blair?" Yuseon asked, once again holding Mia. "No, two completely different people."

"Damnit, when I see her I don't know what I'm gunna do. Okay, I'll take care of her for now, take your time. I'll uh...I'll tell you if I find out anything about Yoongi. Yeah?"

"Yeah. Thanks." Hoseok said, watching as Yuseon left with Mia. "What the fuck?" He mumbled it himself, he defiantly needed to talk to Namjoon about this one.

*gasp* so it was Hoseok's child?!

Yeah, more plot twists to come ; )

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