Chapter 31 ~ Monster

Start from the beginning

Amy nods her head to the side. "Fighting your dumb war for six months will do that to you." Amy runs at Infinite again. He waits for her to get close, not moving. I wanted to warn Amy, but there is nothing I can do.

I run to Rouge's side. Her eyes looked like they belonged to a different person, they didn't have that seductive or generally calm look. They were wide with terror and horror.

She was panting and yelling out at something that wasn't there. It was like watching somebody in sleep paralysis, only Rouge was wide awake and could flail her arms and kick her legs.

"No, Shadow!" she pleaded, holding her arm out to the sky.

I didn't know what to do to help.

Where are you, Shadow? I wonder, questioning where he had gone. It seemed strange that Rouge would have Shadow in her hallucinations.

After a short second of hesitation, I grab one of her handguns from beside her and a few magazines of ammo from her belt. I look back up at Infinite and Amy.

The only thing I can do is affect the one causing this, I think, cocking the gun after reloading.

"Funny," Infinite says in a mocking voice, dodging another swing by Amy. He teleports behind her. "I thought you sat on the sidelines while the events occurred," he taunts.

Infinite then does his signature roundhouse kick. The edges of his sharp shoes rip through Amy's dress and slice into her stomach. She screams as blood spurts out then falls back several feet. Even with the pale grey bodysuit underneath her dress, it couldn't stop the force of Infinite's strike.

He started walking slowly towards her, hands becoming tights fists. It was now that I had begun running towards them. Every other step I nearly tripped, my body was shutting down, malfunctioning.

Infinite was raising his hand as he kicked Amy's hammer away. She stared up in fear and pain, hand covering the bloody slash across her stomach.

I don't know what Infinite was about to do, but I knew that he had intentions to kill Amy next. I wasn't going to stand by and let it happen. Not without trying my hardest to stop it.

Infinite snatched his wrist with his other hand, and he took a step back from Amy. His grip was shaky, and his entire body was trembling.

"No..." I hear Infinite mutter as he stares at his hand. Just as I'm about to tackle him to the ground which would allow me to try and shoot him in the head, Infinite turns to me. He let go of his wrist and hit me with the back of his fist across the face.

The first thing I felt was the sharp pain as I close my eyes. Then the hard metal floor as I roll across it. I let out a quivering whimper of pain as I open my eyes. My fists tighten as the pain spreads throughout my body, and I realize my right hand was empty. My – Rouge's – pistol was gone.

My blurry vision clears, and I see the handgun a few feet in front of me. And Infinite was were he was. Infinite was holding the very hand he hit me with his other. His eye was on me this time.

Infinite was taking slow steps towards me. He would take one step then delay before taking another. What was happening with him?

"Stop!" Infinite yells as his hand lets go of his wrist and holds his arm out to me. A large red ball of energy was forming in his hand. I notice that Infinite's voice didn't sound as deep, glitchy or hostile. It sounded... desperate.

I quickly try and crawl to the pistol in front of me, knowing what comes next if that orb of power gets fully charged. It was exactly that ability which was responsible for almost of all the deaths of my squad.

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