Wrong One (Part 5)

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WARNING: This chapter contains cheating (in relationships) and swearing. You have been warned. (Is the cheating thing an actual trigger, idk, I'll add it to be safe, although I don't think it actually is)

As a disclaimer, I don't mean to offend anyone in this. I love every single one of you guys and I would never try to insult you. Please remember that as you read on.

Betty's P.O.V.

It was two days after we had all the video evidence we needed that we decided to expose Chuck and Melody. Not only did we have video proof, but I also had a bruise on my right forearm from when Chuck beat me in the first video, and it didn't look like it was going away anytime soon like my other scars already did.

We downloaded every single video we had onto my computer. When the downloads were complete, and I was sat in front of my computer with Jug and Toni standing on either side of me, ready to upload all the videos for the entire school to see, I hesitated, finger hovering over the mouse.

"Betts?" Jug said. "What's wrong?"

I was about to say nothing. Or tell him it was this. But instead, I sighed and said, "Everything. This huge mess with Chuck and Melody and I—"

"Betty," Toni said surprisingly comfortingly. "It's okay. This'll all be over soon. All you have to do is upload those videos, and Chuck will get arrested. I'm pretty sure he's old enough."

"Yeah, he is."

"Good. I mean, I got arrested before, and I'm younger than him, so that only makes sense."

I nodded and turned my attention back to the computer screen.

Here goes . . . everything, I thought.

I put my hand on the mouse but didn't click it. I tried to, but my finger just wouldn't move, wouldn't add more pressure on the mouse.

Jug saw that and rested his hand on top of mine, first slowly rubbing it, then using my hand to click the mouse and upload the videos.

I let out a deep, shuddering breath, still not able to believe that it was out.

Chuck was over.

I couldn't help but smile at the thought.

Chuck's over. His reputation is ruined, everyone will know he's a cheating, abusive bastard. He can't hurt you anymore.

He can't hurt you anymore.

I was free. Finally, I was free.

*      *      *

When I got to school the next morning, everyone was giving me these sorrow-filled, terrified looks. Some even came up to me and told me how sorry they were and how they were so mad at Chuck.

"I am so sorry about what Chuck did to you, Betty. I can't believe that asshole!"

"Betty, are you okay? First Chuck beats you to be an anorexic, then goes and cheats on you! He's such a cunt!"

"Chuck's a stupid bitch!"

"Don't worry, you'll find better!"
I already have.

"Chuck should go die!"

Not like I disagreed with any of those statements. They were all true.

At first, everything was going fine. The only downside was that I could barely make it through the swarm of people around me. When I finally got to my locker, the swarm of people didn't seem so bad to me anymore.

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