Chapter Forty-Nine ~ Virgil

Start from the beginning

Ame: Bet.

[Ame cuts the last wire. The light blinks green]

Ame: Alright, that's a good start. Let's move on.

Logan: Just tell me what you see.

Ame: Ooh, I've got a pad with words on it.

[Logan scrolls through the handbook]

Logan: What's the word on the top?

Ame: Uhhh.

Logan: It's right there, isn't it? Come on.

[Ame rolls his eyes]

Ame: No, dipsh*t, the word is uhhh. One 'u' then three 'h's.

Logan: Language.

Ame: My channel.

[Logan scrolls down a little in the handbook]

Logan: Alright, what are the words under it?

Ame: Right, Blank, Nothing, Middle, Wait, Okay.

Logan: Press Nothing.

[Ame presses the Nothing button. The top changes to read U]

Ame: Now it says U. Just the letter U.

Logan: And your options?

Ame: Uh Uh, You, Hold, Done, Next, Sure

Logan: Press Sure.

[Ame goes to click Sure, but accidentally clicks Done]

Ame: Shit! One strike.

Logan: What? But the handbook said-

Ame: Nah, that's on me. I misclicked... Let's try something else.

Logan: Very well.

Ame: Oh, there's a button!

Logan: What kind of button?

[Ame rotates the bomb to see it properly]

Ame: It says 'Detonate' on it.

Logan: Is there more than one battery on the bomb?

Ame: Uhh... hold on.

[Ame rotates the bomb to check it. He also checks the time]

Ame: We've got a minute twenty-eight left. Yes, there's more than one battery. Three, actually.

Logan: Press and immediately release the button.

[Ame clicks and releases. The module light turns green]

Ame: F*ck yeah! Okay, lets go back to the keypad thing. I've got Display now.

Logan: What's your last word on the right?

Ame: Yes.

Logan: Does a button say Okay?

Ame: Nope.

Logan: Right?

Ame: Yeah, I've got one.

Logan: Press it, then tell me the top of the display again.

[Ame presses the button, then they run through the rest of the module]

Ame: Sweet, one more module to go. We've got thirty-five seconds- it's Simon Says.

Logan: Check the serial number first. you're looking for a vowel.

[Ame rotates the bomb to find the serial number]

Ame: No vowel.

Logan: Alright, what color flashes on the module?

Ame: Blue flash. 

Logan: Press Green. 

[Ame clicks green. The blue flashes, then the yellow]

Ame: Blue, then yellow.

Logan: Green, then red.

Ame: Blue, yellow, green.

Logan: Green, red, blue.

[Ame presses the buttons. The module turns green]

Ame: We did it!

Logan: In terms of difficulty, that wasn't overly hard. 

Ame: I think it pays off to have a good teammate. What did you think of the game?

Logan: It was definitely interesting. Shall we switch for this next round?

[He begins to load up the game, fixing his hair in the camera viewfinder]

Ame: I think it's only fair... we had ten seconds left, that's incredibly stress-inducing.

Logan: And you enjoy playing this game? Also interesting.

Ame: Hey, just cause I'm an anxiety-ridden mess doesn't mean that I can't enjoy stressful games. I just have to take some time to calm myself down afterward.

[Ame opens up the pdf file of the manual, adjusting his headphones]

Logan: I see. If you have any issues with that, let me know.

Ame: Yeah yeah, I will. Load up the game.

Logan: It's loaded already. Shall we try something harder this time around?

Ame: Go for it. The time is shorter, so keep an eye on it.

[Logan loads a new game, picking a shorter time, more module bomb]

Logan: Two minutes, four modules. Ready?

Ame: Yup. I've got the manual ready.

[Logan loads the game and looks over the bomb]

Logan: Somehow this is not what I was expecting at all... I've got a wire module, why don't we start with that?

[Ame scrolls to the wire module part]

Logan: this looks much more complicated than what you described.

Ame: Sh*t, okay hold on. There's more than one wire part I think. Yeah- I found it.

[They go through the wire module, getting a strike]

Ame: Time check?

Logan: A minute. I've got a button.

Ame: Color?

Logan: It says Detonate like yours, but there's only one battery.

Ame: Okay I need a color.

Logan: Red.

Ame: Press and release.

[Logan presses the button and lets it go]

Logan: Two to go- how do we only have thirty seconds left?

Ame: Keep going! 

Logan: I've got a keypad.

Ame: What kind?

Logan: Numbers.

[Ame scrolls, but doesn't get to the keypad option in time]

Logan: D*mn. That was harder than I thought.

Ame: It was. Jesus... I think I'm done for the day, blood pressure is skyrocketing.

Logan: Fine by me.

Ame: Alright, hope you all enjoyed, like and subscribe, ring that bell or whatever YouTube does now, see you in the next storm.

[Black screen, annotations for suggested videos appear. Remix of Dorothy's Missile plays as an outro song]


Next Video?


{Disclaimer: I don't actually know how this game works. I just found the pdf version of the manual and went off of that}

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