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Braces were an absolute bitch so let's throw that suffering onto Micha now uwu

Jeremy chatted with Brooke, ranting about the trailer of Frozen 2 yet again.

"But Elsa might have a girlfriend!" Jeremy exclaimed, glaring at the girl.

"Yeah, might. You know how movie studios are, they say stuff to appease the audience then completely forget about their claims 2 weeks later!" Brooke crossed her arms, also glaring at Jeremy.


"Hey guys!" Christine chirped, dragging a very miserable looking Michael with her. "Guess who's here~"

Michael mumbled something and glared at the shorter girl, but she only giggled and skipped off next to Brooke, taking a seat beside her.

Michael plopped down next to Jeremy and went to set his head on the table before yelping quietly and whining in pain.

Jeremy blinked, concerned. "Micha, what's wro- oh right! You got your braces?" Michael nodded, a pout on his face.

"Oh thit we have a new brathe-fathe?" Rich looked up from his intense staring game with Chloe. "Nithe. You juth got them, right?"

Michael nodded, refusing to speak.

"Ah, they're gonna hurt like a bith for a few dayth, it'll go away though." Rich started, but Christine contiuned, "However, you'll be thuck with a lithp for a while," Rich grinned, nodding and sticking his tongue out at Michael before going back to his staring game.

"Thith ith thupid," Michael mumbled, flinching a bit at the end.

"Oh my god...he really does have a lisp," Brooke murmured, looking at Michael wide eyed.

"Thut up, it'th becauthe of thith," Michael opened up mouth and pointed to the roof of it where an expander sat.

"What the hell is that?" Jenna spoke up for the first time since Michael arrived.

"Bathically, it pullth the teeth into the right formation, rather than crooked," Christine informed politely, poking Brooke.

"I didn't know your teeth were crooked," Jeremy mumbled.

"That'th the thing- ow fuck!" Michael yelped, flinching once more. "Apparently, they were bad enough to need this thupid thing," Michael contiuned, quieter this time.

"So what now?" Jeremy asked.

"I can't eat thit for a day or two, my mouth hurth, and I feel mitherable," Michael whined, leaning on Jeremy's shoulder instead of laying his head on the table again.

"Did you eat anything before you got them?" Chloe asked.


"Sucks for you then."

Michael glared at a snickering Chloe and gave her the middle finger.

"Are you gonna keep talking?" Jeremy asked quietly.

Michael thought about it for a moment before shaking his head.

"It hurts to?" Michael nodded.

"Alright, I'll be your communicator for the next few days, how does that sound?"

"Ooo! Me too, I wanna help!" Christine perked up, smiling hopefully and exposing the light purple bands that decorated her braces.

Michael gave them both a thumbs up, leaning more on Jeremy, seemingly tired.

"Okay, rest a bit before lunch is over," Jeremy pecked Michael's forehead gently and felt Michael mod as he closed his eyes.

"Gayyy," Rich mumbled with a giggle, only to be cut off with a yelp and a milk carton thrown to his face.

Braces sucked and the first day I got them, it didn't hurt for like 5 minutes until the pain came in slowly until I was left a crying, pain ridden mess. I got food that day and I didn't even get to eat it because it hurt to bite down.

Anywho, my hc is that after the squipcident, Rich finally gets braces, Christine already had them, and a few months later Michael joins the club.

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